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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Visualização das frases

[1760-1770]. Carta de [Gertrudes Maria da Conceição] para Francisco Pedro Vital.

Autor(es) [Gertrudes Maria da Conceição]      
Destinatário(s) Francisco Pedro Vital      
In English

Love letter from [Gertrudes Maria da Conveição] to Francisco Pedro Vital

The author arranges for a new appointment with her beloved and speaks about her previous fear that they might be surprised by her father.

The young Gertrudes Maria da Conceição, resident in Lisbon, got engaged to Francisco Pedro Vital, a soldier within the Prince's regiment. Later on, she wanted to become engaged to another youth, Epifânio José Barbosa, caulker. Francisco, however, legally tried to make her marry him, presenting as proof of their connection the love letters previously exchanged between them. Conversely, Epifânio decided that he no longer wanted to marry her, since she was committed to someone else. This legal process dragged on for 3 years and the court papers include the love letters that Gertrudes wrote to her first fiancé.

My loved ones, my beloved, I want to set you free from the weight of Monday night. It was not my father, since he didn’t come outside. It was our mistake. Don’t worry; nothing happened to me on Sunday. Wait for me in the Rato fairs; I will be in front of the porcelain factory, where Joaquim works. Wait for me there, at those certain hours. Don’t miss it, I will not miss it. I don’t have anything left to say, except telling you to be there. I don’t want to bother you any longer, my love. When you come at night, follow the wall. By the other side, I don’t know, and trust no one. Do everything I tell you to, if you want to. From the one who is steady, and will be so until death, you will not lose love. May God keep you for many years.


Don’t miss it on Sunday […] where I tell you.

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Texto: -

Meus aMores adorado bem quero tiralo du custo da segunda feira a noite
não hera Meu pai q ele não saio fora
fou emgano noso
não esteja com cudado q eu não me sodeo nada no domingo
espere pro mim nas feriras do ratoto q fico defronte da farbica da losa adonde anda trabalhado joaqim
espere pro mim la adonde digo as outas horas
não falte q eu não he de faltar
não tenho mais q dizer senão q não falte no domingo
não quero emfadar Mais o meu bem
a noute qando pasar venha pelo muro adiete
pelo outro não conheso e não se lhe de de nigem
fasa tudo qanto mando dizer a vmce si queser
desta q he frime ha de ser atem a morte não ha de preder amor
Ds gde mto ans
não falte domingo adonde eu digo

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