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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Visualização das frases

[1789]. Carta de Vicente Fernández, labrador, para Marcelina Díaz de Cuesta.

Autor(es) Vicente Fernández      
Destinatário(s) Marcelina Díaz de Cuesta      
In English

Letter from Vicente Fernández, a farmer, to Marcelina Díaz de Cuesta.

The author writes her lover to inform her of the worsening of the health of his uncle, and to tell her that he still does not know how anything about his future situation.

Marcelina Díaz de Cuesta, represented by his father, brought a lawsuit against Vicente Fernández, nephew of the employer of the girl, demanding from him to marry her, because they had had an intimate relationship and because she was pregnant. During the process a jurisdictional conflict emerged, which was resolved by the chancellery of Valladolid. The proceedings are incomplete, so we do not know which was the final sentence.

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Texto: -

aqui lo pasamos con arta tristeza pero no se puede remediar nada.
el tio lo pasa ya mucho mal pues ya no ay ninguna esperanza de qe salga
ya estamos ya esperando de dia en da
ya emos puesto todos los recados pues no ay mas qe paciencia.
el tio de vitoria esta en casa con la jitana pues quiso qe llebaramos a mi tia para traer aqella
de lo demas aqui no an traydo criada.
no se como me se dispondra el viage para yr por esa
No ay otra novead por aqui
si alguna cosa te se ofrece o quieres ablar avisa por el correo
diras a onde quieres salirr o como y qe dia
ya ves estas cosas aora como andan i no lo puedo remediar
Mui pronto y afecto servidor Vicente Fernandez
q s M Bsa Marzelina de Tuesta
aun no tengo lugar para escrivir

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