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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1715. Carta de Manuel Gomes Rodrigues, cozinheiro, para a sua cunhada, Teresa.

Autor(es) Manuel Gomes Rodrigues      
Destinatário(s) Teresa      
In English

Family letter from Manuel Gomes Rodrigues, cook, to his sister-in-law, Teresa.

The author asks for news about his wife. He says that he thinks she is dead since, for the past six years, she has not been responding to his letters.

The defendant in this process is Manuel Gomes Rodrigues, who sometimes was known by Manuel Gomes and others by Manuel Rodrigues, among other names. He was accused of bigamy, for having married Antónia Josefa while his first wife, Maria Gomes, was still alive. He was able to marry this second time thanks to a falsified document saying he was single. When it was publicly known that is first wife was still alive, he tried to kill her, poisoning the water that she was supposed to drink and, failing this, beating her and trying to drown her. She cried for help, which called the attention of the neighbours. He was later condemned to be publicly flogged and to row for five years in the galleys, among other punishments.

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Texto: -

Minha cunhada tareza mais madanela mto estimarei estas duas reguas ashem a Vmces com perfeita saude como heu dezeijo pa min
a minha he boa pa servir a Vmces em couzas de seu gosto
heu vivo mto penozo por saber a serteza da noticia q ca me deram q me diceram sua irmã maria guomes morera
heu iso tomara saber pa mor da menina mais dos bens d alma pa lhos mandar fazer
e como hiso seija asim quero me emBarcar
e se he viva quero me hir pa a tera pois temos pazes apergoadas con munta festa e alegueira e tudo mto barato q esteve a teresa no tereiro hũo dia ca e tan chorosa da tera esa e demaes teve oje e tudo mais mto barato
aguora peco a Vmces me de umas suas se qizer mais
de tudo o mais mais de me noticias de todos meus tios e tias todas e conpaders e comaders
escervame loguo e targuamee reposta disto depois a caza do tonico meu pro q hele ma remetera logo pois todas as caseiras lhe escerve
mande me dizer tudo coanto se pasa nesa tera porq Vmces tem perdido algã couza em me ter escervido
por iso digame se he serto ou
con isto emfado mais
por agora saiba be de meu irmão se me foi buscar o q me ficou em monte
q me escerva logo pela mesma carta pa heu asim fazer
e peramente mandeme dizer se he morta se viva q heu me disem carego na confisam me dizem se lhe escerva heu
a seis anos tenho escerito tantas q poso ja diser de q sorte lhe escerva
minha cunhada escervame Logo q emtenda por todos certo
lo-go lhe mandarei a Vmces algã couza
com isto ds gde
hoje 6 de maio de 1715 anos
deste seu cunhado
Mel Roiz Bareiro

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