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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1564. Carta de Pedro de Retes para Bernal de Baquedano.

Autor(es) Pedro de Retes      
Destinatário(s) Bernal de Baquedano      
In English

Letter from Pedro de Retes to Bernal de Baquedano.

The author writes Bernal de Baquedano to inform him about the transactions he has made with the goods, about what he has at the moment, and about the next shipping.

In 1564, an economic dispute between Bernal de Baquedano and Martín de Lojao arrived to the tribunal of Navarre. Martín de Lojao had a debt with Bernal de Baquedano of 227 ducats. They had tried to arrive to an agreement consisting of the handing over by Martín de Lojao of certain goods and properties which would have covered all the debt. However, Bernal de Baquedano decided to pursue a legal action, in order to obtain the payment of other debts, too. Martín de Lojao was forced to pay the carriages he owed to the plaintiff.

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Texto: -

con este peon re la de vm y lo qe a ella tengo qe responder es qe los clisoles del s lojao estan en mi poder
y me escribe aga la boluntad de vm
y asi se ara y se daran a qen fuere serbido pagandome lo qe e pagado de costas de flets y otras cosas.
para mi no es mercaderia q me aze al proposito.
el s blas de baqedano me escreibe le ynbie ciertas mrs si me azen al caso
vm le escrebira q no aze para mi qe por otra bia yo le ynbiare lo qe en mi casa hubiere
y hasimesmo le escriba q las mrs qe dize le faltan se ynbiaron a s s y de ay al s j de arteta o a su y qe sin falta estan ay o en s s
y se pase porqe no se pierda la azienda.
y no siendo para mas ceso.
de vio primro de otue 1564.
a sevo de vm po de rrets
en esta ay ms despacho de clisoles
estos se abrian de ynbiar a sevilla qe alla podria ser tubiesen balor

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