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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1586]. Carta del licenciado Diego de Marín para María de Torres.

Autor(es) Diego de Marín      
Destinatário(s) María de Torres      
In English

Letter from Diego de Marín to María de Torres.

The author assures María de Torres that Gaspar Suárez affection is intact and that all the news she is having saying otherwise are the product of her parents´ strategy to keep them apart.

On April the 11th 1586 Gaspar Suárez de la Puente, a jury from Seville, and María de Torres signed a document in which they declared their commitment to get married. Gaspar took María away from her household for assuring their promise would be fulfilled. María´s father, a trader, took his case to the Ecclesiastical Court for recovering his daughter, who was then taken to the monastery of San Leandro and stayed in Valentina Pinelo´s cell. The goal behind her confinement was to keep her away from Gaspar and his parents´ persuasion. Gaspar sued María for breaching their agreement and accused her parents of pressuring her to marry Luis de Miranda, despite the judicial precautions. After these legal proceedings had began, a third suitor came into play, a Diego de Cuéllar, who assured that a few years back himself and María had given their word to marry to each other. He presented several proofs of their love affair and explained how they used to meet when her parents were away, how they sent each other love notes written with invisible ink and he assured they had sworn mutual fidelity. Both Diego de Cuéllar and Gaspar Suárez de la Puente pointed out that the girl was being subjected to psychological and physical violence by her parents, who had their own agenda regarding her marriage. Despite the fact that both suitors provided documental proofs of their relationship with María de Torres, especially the love letters and notes, it was found that neither one nor the other had sufficiently proved their petition. More specifically, the many love notes provided by Gaspar Suárez were not taken into account due to formal errors in their presentation. The final ruling pardoned María, who was then free to choose who to marry to. She was released from her convent confinement and returned to her parent´s house.

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Texto: -

ille sa
esta el sor jurado mi cuñado tal de lo que le dizen de la manera de desamor con que vm lo trata que si vm no Remedia su grande afligimiento no se que a de ser d el.
y mas lo esta porque le dizen que an informado a vm q el no quiere tratar d este negocio.
juro a dios y a esta que aunque a el le cueste la vida y a mi toda mi hazienda q a de ser vm su muger y mi cuñada y que nunca jamas el ni yo emos querido ni pensado otra cosa.
y quien a vm otra cosa a escrito o dicho miente como mal cristiano
y si se a escrito a vm algun villete de esto es falso fabricado por algun falsario por divertir a vm
el y yo estamos en esta boluntad tan fuertes y tan firmes que no ay azero q mas fuerte sea. y lo estaremos siempre.
y estamos coRidissimos en que vm crea otra cosa.
todo lo q a vm dizen del sor jurado q no sea q adora y quiere a vram es mentira q el se arde en bibas llamas de amor casto y honesto de matrimonio.
y quiere a vm en camisa y tiene hazienda para tratar a vm como una Reyna
no tema maldiciones de su padre q en ocho dias de casada se acaban todas sus coleras
no tiene vm pariente q no desee este casamiento.
su padre quiere a vm para entapialla y ceRalle puertas y bentanas y tratar su persona mal y por pagarse de vm.
y el jurado y yo queremos a vm para servilla y Regalalla y tratalla con la honRa que mereçe
tenga vm animo y al juez a bozes le pida a su marido diga q todo lo que contra esso a dicho y dixere es fuerça de su padre y madre.
aya lastima de su esposo que de pena me pidio q porque el no estaba para escrivir yo le escriviesse este.
el escrivira en bolviendo en si
tenga vm este por suyo porque yo lo tengo por mi hijo y lo mismo es escrivir yo que escrivir el.
plega a dios q yo bea ya a vm en mi casa
El llicdo dio de Marin es para la ille sa doña maria de toRes mi sa y mi cuñada.

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