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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1806. Carta de Rafael Ramón Saenz de Tejada para Tomás González.

Autor(es) Rafael Ramón Saenz de Tejada      
Destinatário(s) Tomás González      
In English

Letter from Rafael Ramón Saenz de Tejada to Tomás González.

The author explains to Tomás González, the uncle of Casilda de Porras, that he does not have any obligation towards her, and that he cannot marry without the consent of his father.

The letters were presented to the tribunal by Rafael Salazar, father of Casilda de Porras, to demonstrate the existence of a romantic relationship between his daughter and Rafael Saenz de Tejada, who was accused of rape. This letter was the answer to a previous letter sent by the uncle of Casilda de Porras, in which this had informed the accused of her pregnancy and of the fact that she declared that he was the father of the child.

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Texto: -

Sr Dn Tomas Gonzalez
Viguera, y Julio 27 de 1806
Mui Señor mio:
A su apreciable de 25 de este contesto diciendo que en el asunto de que habla, yo no tengo contrahida la absoluta obligacion de contra-her matrimonio, ni yo soi persona ha-bil pa contraherle sin el consentimiento paterno, el qual escuso pedir porqe segurramente me faltara,
en el quanto a el fuero interior, con consulta de varios sa-vios, vere si soi deudor a alguna persona por algun titulo, en cuyo caso tomare el partido que me parezca justo,
pues aun mirada la cosa con relacion a la conciencia, no puedo yo faltar a la obediencia, y sumision paterna, ni contravenir a las Rs disposiciones qe me inabilitan pa contraher esponsales y matrimonio sin aquel requisisito,
que es quanto se ofrece decir a VMd, cuya vida gue Dios los as que desea su afto sego servr q s m b
Rafael Ramon Saenz de Tejada

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