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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


[1827]. Carta de Gregório José Calisto, criado, para Frederico Andrés.

Autor(es) Gregório José Calisto      
Destinatário(s) Frederico Andrés      
In English

Letter from Gregório José Calisto, servant, to Frederico Andrés.

Gregório José Calisto, servant, was accused of robbing a beast and condemned to 5 years in exile, but later the beast owner withdrew the complaint. In this letter, the servant asks his previous lord to tell the superintendent that he still worked for him, so that this could guarantee more credibility to his testimony.

Illustrious Mr. Andrés.

I wish these few lines will find you, the illustrious Mr. Pascoal, Mrs. Maria da Graça and the illustrious girls in good health.

Sir, I'm going to explain you all, despite my embarrassement, because, since I know that you can help me, I'll explain to you. On my way from Palmela to the Virtues around here, I found a muleteer who brought with him two unloaded beasts. I had come to get a bit of smuggling and I was on foot. And I spoke to this muleteer, rented him one of his mules and climbed it up.

As we reached the village of Salvaterra, they wanted to arrest the muleteer and he ran away. And I was beaten and arrested. And now they won't release me without the Superintendent's order. What I ask you, sir, is that you're so kind to ask the [...] Superintendent to send me down on Monday, because I said I was your servant, to avoid telling him about the smuggling, otherwise [...] in prison for two years.

And so I hope that you ask the Superintendent, and tell him I am your servant, because that's what's written in the questions. I beg you, Sir, to give, there in Lisbon, an explanation on my behalf.

I won't bother you any longer with this matter.

From this servant of yours, and much obliged,

Gregório José

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AO Illmo Snr Fedesrico Andres por mao propria etc etc etc etc Illmo Snr Andres

Estimarei q estas duas regras vão adchar disfutando huma feliz saude a VSa e ao Illmo Snr D Pascoal e a Snra D Maria da Graaca Illms meninas Snr Vou a dar parte a VSa com grande Vergonha pois ncomo sei q VSa he capaz de me valer vou a espelicar a VSa vindo de palmela para as virtudes ca por esta banda encontrei hum almocreve e o cujo dito almocreve trazia duas bestas dezocopadas e eu tinha vin drazer hum bocado de contrabando e vinha a e falei com o dito almocreve e lhe laloguei huma das ditas e eu me montei entrando nesta vila de Salvatera o quizerão prender ao Almocreve e elle fogio e em mim me derão algumas pancadas e me prenderão e agora sem orde do Snr Intendente não me remetem daqui para baixo e o q peco a VSa q faca a ismola de pedir ao Snr Intendente q me mande na segundafeira para baixo porq eu adisculpeime q era criado de VSa por lhe não dizer do contrabando senão teria prizão para dois annos e asim espero q VSa peca ao Snr Intendente pela saude de VSa e q lhe diga q sou Criado de VSa porq he o q esta ca nas porguntas pesso isso a VSa por issmola para em lisbão dar justificacão de mim com isto não infado mais a VSa

Deste Criado de VSa e mto Obrigado. Gregorio Joze:



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