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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1627. Carta de Adrião da Fonseca para o padre José Pinto.

Autor(es) Adrião da Fonseca      
Destinatário(s) José Pinto      
In English

Private letter from Adrião da Fonseca to the priest José Pinto

The author writes to the addressee because of a debt that remains unpaid. He warns him that it is difficult to keep the fault a secret, so it's better to pay soon.

This is one of the letters found in the Inquisition proceedings of Leonor Gomes. The court of the Holy Office determined that José Pinto had a debt towards Leonor Gomes, and tried to recover the amount, however, unsuccessfully. According to the inquest, the priest José Pinto received a great deal of money from Leonor Gomes right before she was imprisoned by the Inquisition. The priest used the money to make several payments, ordered by the defendant and her relatives. Although José Pinto was obliged to hand in the money to the treasurers, since it was considered part of the defendant’s properties, he failed to fulfil his obligation, giving place to a parallel process.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

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Adriao da fonseca



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