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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1707-1711]. Copia de carta de Gaspar Díaz, artesano, para María de los Ángeles.

Autor(es) Gaspar Díaz      
Destinatário(s) María de los Ángeles      
In English

Copy of a letter from Gaspar Díaz, an artisan, to María de los Ángeles.

The author threatens María de los Ángeles to denounce her son if she does not send him a certain sum of money.

The accused in this process was Manuel Díaz, a merchant. In 1712, his cousin Gaspar Díaz denounced him to the Inquisition, accusing him to follow the law of Moses. In 1714, the Inquisition of Cuenca started a process against him, accusing him of being a judaizer. However, the process was suspended some years after, when it was demonstrated that Gaspar Díaz had denounced his cousin only because of the animosity that existed between them and because Manuel had refused to help Gaspar economically while he was in jail. Between 1707 and 1711, Gaspar Díaz had been imprisoned in the Royal Jail for coin counterfeiting, together with his brother Diego Díaz and other relatives. While they were imprisoned, they had written letters threatening to denounce various relatives if they did not send them certain sums of money. Some of these letters were joined to the proceedings as a proof of the extortions made by the two brothers.

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Page 135v > 136r

Señora mia los dias pasados Reçivi quatro Rs de plata los quales estime mucho, q Vm me diçe estan muy alcanzados por lo mucho q han gastado en nuestro pleitto, y diferentes limosnas q nos ha echo, Dios se lo pague, pero estoy muy quexoso q su hixo de Vm Gabriel Vinò a esta Carzel a ber un Suxeto, y no fue para llamarnos, y bernos de Camino, pues no eramos ningunos ladrones Salteadores de Caminos, y tengo mucha quexa, y aora le digo a Vm q le diga a su hixo Dn Françisco q luego que bea este papel me ponga Diez y Seis pesos en

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