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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

1731. Carta de Francisco García Visera, comerciante y soldado de galeras, para Manuel Pascual, labrador.

Autor(es) Francisco García Visera      
Destinatário(s) Manuel Pascual      
In English

Letter from Francisco García Visera, a merchant and soldier in the galleys, to Manuel Pascual, a farmer.

Not having received an answer to his previous letter, Francisco García Visera repeats his offer to the addressee to participate to the finding of a treasure, asking for it certain quantities of gold, silver, precious stones and pearls.

The defendant of this process was Francisco García Visera, a merchant and a soldier on the galleys. In 1731, he was accused of the crime of witchcraft and superstition by the Inquisition of Cuenca because of various scams he had committed in complicity with a galley slave, the friar Salvador Ortiz. They had proposed the victims of the scams to participate to the finding of a treasure by means of spells. For the realization of these spells they requested certain quantities of gold, silver, precious stones and pearls. It was Manuel Pascual who denounced the scam. The prisoner managed to prove that he did not believe in spells and did not perform magical practices, so eventually he was condemned only for scam. He was forced to abjure de levi in a public auto de fé and sentenced to two hundred lashes and a period of ten years of exile at a distance of ten leagues from Cuenca, Murcia, Cartagena (Murcia), Malaga, Lorca (Murcia), Madrid, Hellín (Albacete), Albacete, Chiva (Valencia) and Almazán (Soria), and to five years of rowing in the galleys.

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Page 8r > 8v

Cartaxna y Abril 13 de 1731

Muy Sor mio el mes pasado escrivi una â Vmd en que le desia que por rraro Contijente avia llegado a mi poder unos instrumtos arabigos de una bela y papeles para Con ellos poner en cobro una Cantidad Considerable de oro pta y alaxas que se alla ôCulta en terminos de esa Ciud o villa para lo qual es sircunstanzia presisa que un Bezno ô natural de êlla ponga dentro de dha bela Con su propia mo beinte onzas de oro Corriente dos onzas de pta dos sintillos de piedras finas y quinse granos

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