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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

1627. Carta de Diego de Córdoba, capellán, para Pedro Fernández, criado del rey.

Autor(es) Diego de Córdoba      
Destinatário(s) Pedro Fernández      
In English

Letter from Diego de Córdoba, a chaplain, to Pedro Fernández, a servant of the king.

The author informs Pedro Fernández that he sent him a letter and gives him instructions on how to be sure to receive the money the author still owes him.

In 1629, Juan Ruiz Lariz, a student at the University of Alcalá de Henares, brought a lawsuit at the tribunal of the university against Diego de Córdoba, chaplain of the Royal Chapel of Granada, demanding from this the payment of the money he owed to the grandfather of Juan Ruiz, Pedro Fernández, of whom Juan Ruiz was the heir. The debt amounted to: 166 reales, plus a monthly payment of 10 ducados, plus some hangings and taffetas, valued at 175 reales. Juan Ruiz presented to the tribunal all the documents which demonstrated the existence of the debt, together with three letters that Diego de Córdoba had written to Pedro Fernández.

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Page 28r

ya abra vmd recibido carta mia que fue en pliego de don jaime de valençuela y en ella iba el pliego firmado y razon de todo si el no esta en Md en casa de Juan gallego mercader en la calle mor junto a la puerta de guadalajara diran d el y alli ban encaminados los pliegos i lo fueron los otros, yo soy desgraçiado conque luego a el punto no se desatyfaçian a todos como quedo ordenado i principalmte a vm hagame md de mandar a este juan gallego i si alli no esta todo abisarme para que io lo remedie como lo debo i deseo ns sr e. Grda y Agosto 3 de 627

Don diego de Cordova

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