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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1617]. Carta de Alonso Carrillo de Albornoz, comediante, para [Luis Coutinho].

Autor(es) Alonso Carrillo de Albornoz      
Destinatário(s) Luis Coutinho      
In English

Letter from Alonso Carrillo de Albornoz, comedian, to [Luis Coutinho].

The author explains [Luis Coutinho] the potential of a special book, most likely the book «Clavicula Salomonis».

The processes 2388 and 4203 of the Inquisition in Lisbon are related, since the defendants involved, António Álvares Cardoso and Alonso Carrillo de Albornoz, were denounced by the same person, Fernando de Ataíde Vasconcelos, who accused also Mariana de Galindo and António de Cáceres.

In 1617, António Álvares Cardoso, a fifty-one-years-old Old Christian, priest of Travanquinha (bishopric of Coimbra), resident in Lisbon, arrived in Plaza de Santo André and asked for Fernando de Ataíde Vasconcelos, son of the Count of Castanheira (although in the lineages of this title there are not records of someone named Fernando). He wanted to tell him that a Spanish man named Alonso Carrillo was in Lisbon: this man had taken part in the latest auto-da-fé, because he made use of a book called «De Clavicula Salomonis». He also said that with that book one could do everything he wanted, including controlling the will of women, of the King and of his ministries. The book had been burned in the auto-da-fé, but another priest, António de Cáceres, had kept a copy of it. Afterwards, on the 3rd of November of that year, Fernando de Ataíde Vasconcelos told the Inquisition that Father António Álvares healed, blessed and made use of incantations, and that in his house he had met also Father António de Cáceres. The whole group gathered under the name of Pentáculo del Anillo de las Tres Ninfas (Pentacle of the Ring of the Three Nymphs). The members exchanged correspondence with each other and, from that meeting, they wrote to Fernando de Ataíde Vasconcelos, too. Some of these letters were included in both proceedings, either in their original form or in copy.

Father António Álvares was detained in the 9th of January, 1618. On December 20th, 1619, he was suspended from his position and sentenced to five years of banishment to Angola. His book and papers were burned. Alonso Carrillo de Albornoz, Spanish and resident in Lisbon, comedian by profession, who signed his letters as Martim Lopes to try not to be recognized, was also found guilty of the crimes of witchcraft and sorcery, and he was sentenced to eight years of banishment to the island of Príncipe.

The book «Clavicula Salomonis» is known to have circulated since antiquity, through the Byzantine period and until the end of the Middle Ages. It is a sort of compendium of astral magic and necromancy, and for some scholars it could originate from Jewish traditions.

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Page 20r > 20v

Porq yo soi muy descomfiado y temo emfadar a Vsa he querido Remitir a este papel lo que yo queria comunicar es pues que yo estava Trasladando el libro que ensenhé a Vsa el titulo d el bien Le savemos y mas Sus muchas fuerças Porque es la cosa mas grave y de mas importançia que ay en el mundo ni se yo que para lo que es aya cosa de tanto Valor como por la experiençia se puede ver La Resoluçion d ello y disponerse que lo primero Para saver Todas Las çiençias, Lo segundo para adquirir toda La Riqueza del mundo. Pues Puede ser un hombre Rey si quiere solo con tener Secreto y obrar, Lo terçero es para Pareçer el mas hermoso e galan hombre del mundo e Lo quarto Para ser el mas Valiente y no ser herido jamas Pues no es posible Traiendo çiertos Pentagonos que ay en el dicho Libro Para adquirir Privança mugres. Riqueza amor y en suma Para traer a su voluntad Todo quanto dios crio debajo del çielo esto es lo que queria y isto es lo que a Vsa queria ofreçer movido de su afiçion i de que siempre que nos viamos me favoreçia yo tenia esta obligaçion y me pareçio que la pagava con esto pues viendo que Vsa es moço galan y Principe y que no tiene lo que mereçe y parecerme façil de conquistar Todo lo que Vsa quisiese me atrevi a descubrirselo fiado de su nobreca y secreto Pues en principe Tan alto no puede faltar cosa alguna de la Correspondençia de quien es,

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