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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

1827. Carta de Francisco de la Iglesia para [Rosa de Carbia].

Autor(es) Francisco de la Iglesia      
Destinatário(s) Rosa de Carbia      
In English

Letter from Francisco de la Iglesia to Rosa de Carbia.

The author writes his wife, Rosa de Carbia, to give her his opinion about the marriage of some relatives, the sale of some properties and the profit made from the crops.

In 1827, Juana Cristobo, represented by her husband Francisco López, brought a lawsuit against Francisco de la Iglesia, represented by his son-in-law Pedro de la Iglesia. They were all residents in San Miguel de Cora (Pontevedra). Juana Cristobo, daughter of Rosa Verde, had three aunts and uncles: Manuel Verde, Andrés Verde and María Antonia Verde. The first two uncles were considered dead after having been missing for 80 years, and their properties were inherited by María Antonia Verde, who gave them to her son, Francisco de la Iglesia, and to his wife, Rosa de Carbia. Juana Cristobo brought a lawsuit against them, demanding half of her maternal uncles' inheritance. At that moment, Francisco de la Iglesia was not there, and his whereabouts were unknown, so he was represented by his son. Rosa de Carbia, however, presented this letter to demonstrate that her husband was not missing and that he was in Cádiz, so he did not need to be represented by someone else. At first instance, the tribunal ruled in favour of Francisco de la Iglesia, because the death of Manuel Verde and Andrés Verde had not been proved. However, Francisco López appealed this sentence, and eventually the tribunal ruled in his favour, because he managed to demonstrate that Manuel Verde y Andrés Verde were actually dead.

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Page 7r > 7v

Cadiz Mayo 4 De 1827

Mi mas estimada esposa y qrida esposa de mi maior estimacion Me alegre q estas malformadas llegen a tus presiosas manos en conpa de nuestra familia y te allen con la mas sana salud como yo para mi deseo qedando la mia por lo presente Dando a dios Gracias sin maior nobed para lo qe quieras mandar qe lo reciBere con grande gusto saveras qe rezibi la tuya el Dia 3 de mayo con fecha 16 de Abril y con ella sumo gusto por saber por saber de tu buena salud y de toda la familia Despues de abelte saludado pongo en tu notisia lo sigiente A fin de un Año qe lo ace el dia 10 del qe rige me llego la notisia De franco del trato y aguste de su casamiento muchas gracias

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