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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

1812. Carta de Valentín González Mérida para Luis de Sosa.

Autor(es) Valentín González Mérida      
Destinatário(s) Luis de Sosa      
In English

Letter from Valentín González Mérida to Luis de Sosa.

The author writes to Sosa telling him news of the pending litigation for insults they have against Baeza. Likewise, he informs of troops movements in Asturias and the sale of certain newspaper.

This litigation against Colonel Luis de Sosa for statements made by the defendant in several publications, was issued by Public Security Minister Pedro Agustín de Echevarri after a denunciation made by Leon´s bishop Ignacio Ramón de Roda. In the aforementioned statements, the defendant cast doubt on the King´s sovereignty and expressed his sympathy for the constitutional regime of 1812. Sosa was made prisoner, his properties were seized and all the documents found in his house were confiscated, among which the letters provided to the proceeding documentation. In his own defence, Luis de Sosa argued his military merits as a colonel of Leon during the Independence War and the public documents in which he praised Fernando VII. Furthermore, he argued being always respectful of the current legitimacy. He qualified that ever since the abolition of the Constitution, he never showed disagreement with the King, given that he considered himself as a loyal subject. Once the letters, the declarations and the rest of the documents were examined, Luis de Sosa was acquitted since there was not enough proof of his membership to the liberal party.

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Page 125r > 125v

Cora 24 de Febo de 1812.

Mi estimado amigo y Sor: Por medio de un soldado llegó á mis manos hace 8 dias la apreciable de vm de 23 de Dicre ultimo con las qe la acompañaban cerradas y rotuladas pa Ferz Baeza y Acevedo, y los cinco exemplares de la reprimenda y redactores, que al momento di la direccion qe vm ordenaba.

Ya iba mucho tiempo qe yo habia visto este Papel, y todas las ocurrencias qe à el habian sucedido; y ya contemplaba à vm tambien lleno de satisfacciones pa su feliz y justo resultado; de qe doy a vm la mas completa enhoraba, esperando qe todo contrivuya a consolidar su opinion, y al buen exito de sus ulteriores pretensiones.

Acevedo pudo equibocarse, sin duda, quando dixo à vm qe yo le remitiria un Papel de la Junta de nra Prova pa su contexton; pues qe ni me dejo encargo algo sobre el particular; ni qe hubiese Papel qe el qe yo le contextè antes de su partida, y de qe incluyo una copia pa instruccion de vm.

Si Sor; continuà la inaccion en la benta del Papel de las Damas españoles; tanto qe desde qe escribi a vm con fha 31 de 9re no se ha bendido un solo exemplar, à pesàr de qe lo he anunciado 4 veces en los Papeles ppcos: Por lo qual, y respecto lo qe vm me encarga, he mandado venir de Santiago los exemplares qe hayan quedado, y al primer viento favorable le remitirè à vm 400 en el cajon donde van otros 293 del manifiesto del Sor Quintana, con direccion à Dn Juan Vizcayno: Y oxalá me fuera facil hacer

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