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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1554]. Carta de Dona Isabel Moniz para Cristina, sua sobrinha.

Author(s) Isabel Moniz      
Addressee(s) Cristina      
In English

Private letter from Dona Isabel Moniz to an anonymous recipient, whom she calls her daughter.

The author complains to a member of her family, whom she calls her daughter, of the many needs that she is enduring and her desire to receive some favors from the king.

Both letters PSCR0061 and PSCR0062 appear to be part of a process developed by Dona Isabel Moniz, trying to get some favors from the King John III, with whom she had two sons before he got married to Dona Catarina of Austria. There are at least two other letters addressed Dona Isabel Moniz to the Queen Dona Catarina, one in 1554 and another in 1561, in which she requests her intervention so that the monarch will grant those favors, arguing that this is to protect the interests of a "daughter". According to some other information, however, this would rather be a niece, daughter of her sister. These are two of the several letters that can be found in the collection "Corpo Cronológico", a documental fund under the custody of the National Archive of Torre do Tombo. It is a collection composed mostly by documentation of judicial and administrative nature, from 1161 to 1696. After the earthquake of 1755 many scattered documents were incorporated in this fund. Just like the name suggests, the main criterion of organization within the Corpo Cronológico is the documents' date.

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Jhus snra filha minha ( do meu coracão

he verdade q os meus olhos vos ande ver tão cedo como dezeis praza ao snor des q me de esforco pera acheguar a hese tenpo porq fuy senpre tão mofina q nuqua aquabei de ver cousa d algua minha cosolacão quanto mais esta de mi tão desejada como sera ver a minha dona xpina nos meus bracos donde antão muora porq não quero mais vida q ate cõvosquo desquasar e deixarvos desquasada filha da minha alma seja o despacho como ds quiser e ouver mais por seu sirvico q ẽquanto eu tiver o q ds quererar q sua a me não tire aida q o faca a todo o reino sepre sera voso porq ja não quero nada senão pera vos e se for necesario a vosa honra ir me meter na madre de ds sobre minha vilhice o farei porq ja são certa q os q mais forão a minha chagua menos de merceis tiverão e não me fiquar de ser sua mai senão lagremas e sõgeicois q não poso morer senão padecer asi q vos não agaste

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