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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1803-1804]. Carta de Miguel Soldevilla para Petra García Lera.

Autor(es) Miguel Soldevilla      
Destinatario(s) Petra García Lera      
In English

Letter from Miguel Soldevilla to Petra García Lera.

Miguel Soldevilla answers to a letter written by Petra García Lera in which she announced him that she is pregnant. He does not disown his paternity, but he seems reluctant to explicitly promise to marry her.

In 1808, José Vicente Soldevilla, as the guardian ad litem of Miguel de Soldevilla, appealed to the chancellery of Valladolid a sentence delivered by the tribunal of Nalda in a case of rape. In this process, Miguel de Soldevilla had been sentenced to compensate Petra García Lera, with whom he had had a relationship since 1802, marrying her or giving her a sum of money. He had also been obliged to recognise the son he had had with her. José Vicente Soldevilla claimed to the chancellery of Valladolid that the woman had maintained a suspicious conduct, and presented various witnesses who affirmed to have seen single men entering and leaving her house. In particular, he referred to the relationships of Petra García Lera with Manuel García del Valle, which some witnesses indicated as the actual father of the child, and with a priest. The father of Petra tried to defend her daughter from these accusations, and presented to the tribunal this letter, written by Miguel de Soldevilla between 1803 and 1804. However, the court eventually ruled in favour of Miguel de Soldevilla.

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Amante mi bien mi Esposa iba a decir; pero me detengo hasta qe con satisfaccion pueda decirtelo. Te contare lo qe paso despues qe me separe de ti

Apenas pues qe baxe con la velocidad qe me viste, ansioso de saver el contenido de tu carta llegue a casa y iva a abrirla quando me llamaron a cenar; pero puedes considerar qe provecho me haria sin satisfacer a mi deseo Por fin cene y a el punto cojo una luz, y me baxo a el quarto mas retirado de casa.

Tu reflexion primera me convence, y digo qe ya no tiene remedio, qe no todas las cosas se pueden hacer en dos veces, qe si se pudiesen; acaso seria lo mismo, qe es oy dia; dices qe tengo un hijo:: ha! me tocaste en la parte mas sensible de mi corazon! si: lo confieso: seria uno de los mas indignos de los hombres, si no dixese qe el hijo era mio qe te guste el honor con cautelas, y engaños; y qe yo fui el Herodes de tu inocencia:

¿Que duda puede tener una muger de qe la quieren, quando ve qe la persona a quien mas ama en un principio niega quasi que la conoce? y despues no solo confiesa qe la conoce sino qe dice qe el hijo es suyo qe se casara con ella; pero

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