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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


[1772]. Carta de Diego González Pardo para María del Carmen Bertrodano.

Autor(es) Diego González Pardo      
Destinatário(s) María del Carmen Bertrodano      
In English

Letter from Diego González Pardo to María del Carmen Bertrodano.

The author expresses his sorrow for not having being able to seeing her and the doubts he is having due to her mother´s manoeuvres. He repeats the instructions to be able to meet.

On July the 30th 1772, Diego González Pardo, a resident in Seville and administrator of the corn exchange, brought a lawsuit before justice denouncing the coercion María del Carmen Bertrodano was being subjected to not to marry him. He presented a love note proving the young woman´s acquiescence to get married. He asked for the note to be acknowledge as hers by the author and to take her out of her family´s house, since her mother was coercing her and preventing any communication between them from happening. María del Carmen was taken to San Clemente´s convent in order to avoid both parties contacting her. She was asked to verify whether some other notes were also hers, which she did, and she stated her intention to marry Diego Pardo was firm. Her mother, Gertrudis Laurier, assured her daughter had been seduced and she argued the important age gap between the spouses: Diego was more than 60 years old whilst María del Carmen was only 18. Besides, Diego´s criminal past was brought up, although he managed to refute it. He had indeed killed a man who had uttered blasphemies against the Holy Ghost, but he was pardoned on the occasion of the coronation of Fernando VI. On the other hand, although some witnesses believed he had been banished to Portugal for committing certain excesses, the truth was he had travelled as a commissioner of the Council and he was received by princes and noblemen in the Portuguese Court where he had the honour of seating in Infante Don Manuel´s chamber. Finally, he denied he had given his word to marry any other woman, which showed his genuine interest for María del Carmen. When the latter was interrogated, she assured she had not been seduced by her suitor and that the marriage promise was firm. Besides, she stated that her mother had tried to bribe her by offering her a gown, a gold watch, ornaments and a diamond brooch. She was asked to confirm a last letter that Diego Pardo had received from a Teresa Antonia de Abreu Bertrodano. Although she said she had never met in person (she believed she was a cousin who was a nun and lived in the Court), she confirmed she was mentioned in the last paragraphs of the letter, in which Diego Pardo was urged to free the young woman from the engagement. The ruling was favourable to Diego Pardo and they initiated the paperwork to celebrate the wedding.

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alma de mi alma querida esposa de mi corason ya me llege a rendir ya me atraso me aburro y pierdo el sentido sin ti aier sabado en la tarde pase tan contento como te bi el Vier-nes y aviendome paresido Que eras tu la q estabas en la Ventana baja lo q dije a Dios vida mia, segui con-tento asta las diez de la noche q encontre a uno q tu sabes y me dijo que te abia bisto no tan solo pr la mañana sino aier tarde salieron conq quede q no savia lo q me susedia en ber q te podia aber bisto y q esta mui satisfho de averte bisto y quisa seria tu hermano, sea pr Dios, se me duplico la pena prq luego a la noche a las mismas diez bi serada la sala y Vmdes no paresian me ise el cargo al instante q tu me as aboresido y q le as dho a tu madre q yo te bia en la luz de noche, no quiera Dios, darte tal pensamiento

hija del corason ai te remito las señas y lo q as de acer pa no perder tiempo, y pr si no ubiere ocasion de inbiarte otro digo de q te lo puedan dar a ver si salimos de eso prq dando la seña al aguador pa el Domingo q biene ya estara aqui la sra el Viernes tenjo ya quasi seguro para el martes o miercoles dos mil reales q e tomado enpeñando 6 meses aunq con perdida pa los presisos Gastos te lo aviso mi alma como q eres Dueña de ellos conprare lo mas presiso pa la Casa y lo demas pa el Gasto q se ofresca en lo principl Dios quiera te logre Yo esposa mia mas q luego me sucedan y persigan los Emulos de nada tendre Cuidado Con mi niña, tu madre anda paseandote todos los dias a ver si tu te diviertes y pones los ojos en otro sea pr amor de Dios amores mios, me atormenta mucho tu beleidad esperimentada ya Dios quiera q seas firme tengo pr ello ofresido muchas penitensias porq seas firme ya tu beras si llega el caso y en tanto quiero berte ya te lo e dicho todos los dias aDios esposa mia carmensita mia del corazon



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