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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1759. Carta de Juan de Santa Olalla para Manuel María Crespo y Toledo

Autor(es) Juan de Santa Olalla      
Destinatário(s) Manuel María Crespo y Toledo      
In English

Letter from Juan de Santa Olalla to Manuel María Crespo y Toledo

The author lets Manuel Crespo know he has sent certain letters and money for his livelihood and gives him instructions on how to conduct himself in the errands he is running.

In 1759 the Council of Castile noted certain conflicts plaguing the village of Madridejos, in San Juan priory. The disagreements mainly focused on three individuals: Ramón de Medina Osorio, a lawyer; Manuel Martín Salcedo, a scrivener; and Manuel María Crespo, a native and resident of the aforementioned village. The charges against the former ones were for the excesses committed in the course of their duties, for their own benefit and at the expense of their fellow neighbours. Manuel María Crespo was involved in this strife as a victim, specially due to Salcedo´s manipulations. Francisco de Solera, the judge of this proceeding, collected a number of testimonies from several neighbours and members of the highest repute within the community. The judge´s intention was to unravel the conflict, find out who was to blame and, specially, reveal what were the motives for these actions. Francisco de Solera pondered which were the ills that these three individuals represented for their community and recommended their exile from the village. He also suggested for the village to appoint a neutral mayor to put an end to the dissensions in the village and safeguard its economic and social potential. Manuel Crespo appealed the decision and tried to be considered for pardon. He assured he was being a victim of a conspiracy and not having any part in Madridejos´ dissents. He argued he was only following orders from certain members of the Council on the proceedings against Salcedo. In this regard, he provided several letters justifying his point, which were proof of his management in Madrid against Salcedo. On the other hand, he argued that the decision of his exile would leave in a precarious position to his sisters (Vicenta and Ana Rosa) and his young son, who he had to rise as a widow. Despite his allegations, the Council was adamant and he was banished to Ceuta by decree. In the Council´s decision the real motivation was Crespo´s uncontrolled lifestyle in Madridejos rather that Salcedo´s issue. He was accused of having unlawful relationships with several women from the village (as a matter of fact, the apothecary and all of his family were also exiled because of it); of not working and spending his time playing cards; and of giving a bad life to both of his wives, Barbara Dupont and Josefa Lasa. For that matter, he had already completed an exile sentence in Oran. Nevertheless, Crespo´s wanderings did not end here. In 1761, once in Ceuta, he got married to Josefa Tejada, abandoning her a few years later to return to Madridejos. In 1774 the Council ordered him to return to Ceuta to reunite with his wife and son. In 1778 he was applying to return to his home village, which was reluctant to take him back.

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Madridexos y 8re 25 de 1759

Amigo Dn Manuel aviendo recevido por Lorenzo una carta de Vmd he recevido por el Correo de oi otra con la copia de la esquela de fr antonio, y enterado de qto me dice para dar a su cuidado algun alivio va el Portador por Mora donde tomara cartas para azcutia y su Muger, que entregara a Vmd, y pondra por si y en propa Mano y con ellas discurrimos que dho Azcutia a lo menos no hara contra Vmd

Para inpedir el recurso al Consejo, o que su Yllma no remita a el el Expedte hace mucho la sumaria de Solera insista Vmd en que la pida porque ella misma reeleva a Vmd de toda prueba y con ella no necesita de las representaciones de comunidades que pide que sobre ser oi dificultosas me parece ira amontonar demasiado i ya discurro tiene su Yllma forma de juicio de la causa, y qdo no tuviera por vastante justificacion los documtos que la aconpañan y quisiera mas, en este caso solicitaramos con las comunidades, y Vmd pudiera proporciornarlo, que a estas al Vicario de la relixion, a Dn Hipolito sahavedra tomaron se pidieran mas informes, pero con dha sumaria no es menester mas, y aunque esta se avia asegurado en Madridexo la tenia ya su Yllma en sus manos parece no es cierto por lo que Vmd dice que hablo fr Antonio con solera.

he podido juntar para enbiar a Vm 336 s. pero solo remito a Vm 300 rs reservando los 36 para su hermna como me encarga A Mateo Diaz aga Vmd que le de hasta 600 rs que tienen dado ya los demas, y con eso estaran iguales pero le prevengo pague al P Po con sardina escribi a Vm enbiandole la caja y 20 rs para que hiciese la conpusiesen pronto, si ya lo estuviese me la enbiara Vm con el Portador como tanbien los pellejos, que ya sera razon i yo estoi quedando mal por Dios aga Vmd que Su Yllma lo determine luego luego porque si no con la venida del Rey, se dilatara mucho y Sabe Dios lo que sucedera mems a fr Anto y a mi ords en que le sirva como save, ea.

De Vmd siempre Licdo Dn Juan de Sta Olalla

Dice Vicenta que sera en esta ocasion se disfrute el enpeño del Marques de Estepa y para ello que Vaia Nicolas en persona a suplicarselo, y que al Chico le de Vmd en su Nonbre muchos Vesos



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