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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1677. Carta de António Rodrigues, padre, para Frei João da Porciúncula, guardião do convento de São Francisco na Vila da Praia, Ilha Terceira.

Autor(es) António Rodrigues      
Destinatário(s) João da Porciúncula      
In English

Request letter from António Rodrigues, a church priest, to Friar João da Porciúncula, guardian of the Convent of São Francisco, Vila da Praia, Terceira Island, Azores.

The author asks the addressee for help because neither him nor his family can pay for the funeral of a relative who just died. He also asks for some other friars to be present at the cerimony.

Manuel Reis was accused by the guardian of the convent of São Francisco in the Terceira Island of the Azores of owing the convent the payment of a funeral .

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