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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1700-1720]. Carta de frei João de Deus, religioso, para a madre Maria da Piedade, religiosa.

Autor(es) João de Deus      
Destinatário(s) Maria da Piedade      
In English

Love letter written by the monk frei João de Deus to a nun, Mother Maria da Piedade.

The author writes a love poem inspired by the addressee and sends it to her. He makes sexual allusions, writing that she has "the illness of the wives".

Sister Ana da Encarnação, a Reverend Mother in the Convent of Santa Clara in Oporto, was prosecuted by the Inquisition and she defended herself by accusing a monk, frei João de Deus, of having affairs with several nuns. In order to prove it, she presented letters exchanged between him and two of the nuns. She also accused the monk of convincing her that, because she was a saint, she didn't need to follow religious precepts and she could commit "vile acts" with him.

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