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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1731. Carta no autógrafa de Miguel de Souto, marinero, para José de la Guardia, marinero.

Autor(es) Miguel de Souto      
Destinatário(s) José de la Guardia      
In English

Unsigned letter sent by Miguel de Souto, a sailor, to José de la Guardia, a sailor.

The author writes José de la Guardia about a list of sailors from the suburb of Pontevedra.

This lawsuit was brought by Outeiro Mercero against José de la Guardia, his neighbour in the suburb of Pontevedra, about the payment of 20 pesos. José de la Guardia was a sailor and a curate of some wealth, and Tomás Outeiro, son of Martín de Outeiro Mercero, had served him as a sailor. The 20 pesos demanded by Martín de Outeiro Mercero were a payment of the services of his son. However, José de la Guardia claimed that he did not owe him anything. The author of the letter, Miguel de Souto, was a vicar in the suburb of Pondevedra.

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