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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1816. Cópia de carta de Francisco Quintino da Cruz, mestre de iate, para António Ribeiro Pessoa, negociante.

Autor(es) Francisco Quintino da Cruz      
Destinatário(s) António Ribeiro Pessoa      
In English

Copy of a news letter from Francisco Quintino da Cruz, a yacht master, to António Ribeiro Pessoa, a trader.

The author explains to the addressee, his master, the reasons that led him to seek refuge with his boat in Portimão instead of sailing straight to Almería. The wind blew from South-Southwest and a pirate ship (a "polaca") was chasing him

António Ribeiro Pessoa was a trader who owned a yacht. His yacht master, Francisco Quintino da Cruz, should go to Almería and back for cargo trading, but he went to Gibraltar instead, sold the cargo and hid himself. António Ribeiro Pessoa succeeded in having him arrested when he came back to Lisbon. In the instructions letter that António Ribeiro Pessoa initially gave to Francisco Quintino da Cruz along with the yacht, there was a list of the latter´s obligations. He was to leave with rice, olive oil and wood and it must bring back esparto grass, fennel, cumin, Alicante raisins and brandy.

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Page 77r > 77v

Senhor Antonio Ri
beiro Pessoa
Villa Nova de Porttimão
vintte e hum de Settem
bro de mil outtocenttos
e dezaseis

Meu Pattram e Se-

nhor dezejolhe saude

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