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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1824. Carta de Manuel Isidro da Paz, major de milícias de Setúbal, para Cândido de Almeida Sandoval, publicista.

Autor(es) Manuel Isidro da Paz      
Destinatário(s) Cândido de Almeida Sandoval      
In English

The General Superintendant of the Portuguese Police was alerted by an anonymous tip that in the jail of Limoeiro, in Lisbon, several prisoners were preparing a conspiracy against the absolutist government, which included the assassination of some of its ministers. The case was investigated and the resulting proceedings are very confusing, full of mutual denunciations and accusations, typical of the political uncertainty that characterized the fall of the 'Vintismo' (the liberal period) in 1823 and the approval of the Constitutional Chart in 1826. One of the suspects was Cândido de Almeida Sandoval, a publicist that was both the target and the source of several accusations.

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Page 28r > 28v

Palmella 1 de Agto 1824

Recebo a tua Carta de 27 de Julho

escrita do Limoeiro, q bem me
consternou e Azedou ao mmo tempo;
mal pensava eu, que o Candido
do Gal e de Palmella, o armonico
Candido, o Candido companheiro
dos meos eroticos, e saudozos trans
portes da mocidade, mudasse de
indole, abandonando as bellas
illuzoes, que nessa epoca nos
encantavão, pa se entregar á
fatuidade de maniaco regenera
dor do genero humano. basta
es desgraçado, se a tua sorte mu
dar deixo pa então as minhas
reprimendas. Eu tenho am

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