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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1794. Carta não autógrafa de Francesco Saverio Todi, compositor e violinista, para Dom João de Almeida de Melo e Castro, diplomata.

Autor(es) Francesco Saverio Todi      
Destinatário(s) João de Almeida de Melo e Castro      
In English

Letter from Francesco Saverio Todi, composer and concertmaster, to Dom João de Almeida de Melo e Castro, the Portuguese plenipotentiary minister in London.

The author seeks the help of the addressee to obtain the money he lost by putting it in the hands of a banker.

The author was an Italian violinist, the husband of the Portuguese lyric singer Luísa Todi and former concertmaster of the Bairro Alto theatre in Lisbon. By the time these letters were written he was seeking the help of the Portuguese plenipotentiary minister in London, Dom João de Almeida de Melo e Castro, to try and get back the income on the money he had given to Jean-Joseph de Laborde, Marquis of Laborde, the banker in the court of Louis XV (France). Since Laborde had been sentenced to the guillotine and his son was exiled in England, he was trying to get to him through the Portuguese diplomat. As the letters prove, he was also doing errands and favours in Lisbon to the Ambassador.

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Illmo e Exmo Snr D João de Almeida

Tomo a liberdade de por na prezensa de V Exa

o motivo que me obriga de tomar a comfiansa
de escrever a V Exa. O Exmo Snr Dom Dio-
go Angeiga me animou a tomar esta ouzadia
para pelo meio de V Exa poder haver hum pro-
tetor para poder proteger a minha cauza a qual
he, que tendo eu e minha molher dado a Mon-
sieur Labord Banqueiro em Paris o meo dinheiro
com o Juro de sinco por cento por anno e tendo o dito
Labord a sette pa outo annos o dito dinheiro sem eu
delle ter recebido hum real, sucede a Asemblea
ter mandado glotinar o do Labord, Este Labord tem
hum filho o qual tambem he Banqueiro e se
acha em essa Capital de Londres este sabe muito bem
todo este particular, e querendo eu hir a Londres para

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