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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1665. Carta de Alonso Gómez de Figueroa para doña María Almansa Pereira y Castro.

Autor(es) Alonso Gómez de Figueroa      
Destinatário(s) María Almansa Pereira y Castro      
In English

Private letter from Alonso Gómez de Figueroa to doña María Almansa Pereira y Castro.

The author offers the recipient his condolences for the death of her father. In a clear allusion to an earlier letter from this lady, he informs her about the efforts to solve some payments owed to don Fernando and which now belonged to doña María, as his heir.

In 1680, a lawsuit starts that extends well into the eighteenth century, having as a main cause the payment of debts to important creditors of the Counts of Salvatierra, don Diego and don José Francisco Sarmiento. According to one of the pieces, doña María de Almansa, as heir of don Fernando de Almansa, administrator of state revenues of Salvatierra between 1662 and 1665, should receive the 12,571 reais owed by the Count. In the process, no specific reason is given for the inclusion of these letters, which appear among various administrator accounts from those years. Perhaps they could be taken as proof of the Count's intentions to pay off his debt, something that he later ratified in his will, dated 1675.

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Señora siento infinito que la causa que

a Vm motivo hazerme mrd con su carta
de 11 del corriente haya sido de tanta
pena para Vm en la qual acompo
a Vm con las veras de mi obligaçion
y lo que devi al sor Don Fernando de
Almansa que Dios aya de cuya perdida
doy a Vm el pesame y lo mesmo Da
Maria y ambos vessamos las manos
de Vm y nos ofrezemos a su servo
para quanto nos hallare buenos y quisiere


Añadese Señora a mi sentimo el que la

muerte de su Padre de Vm huviesse
sido tan azelerada que no diese lugr
a la dispusicion de sus cossas para escusar
los acçidentes que han sobrevenido pa
Mayor aogo de Vm e Yrreparables
rrespecto no ser obrados mas que com Preven

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