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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1758. Carta de Casimiro González, cura, para José Sáez Cantos, pseudónimo de José Cantos Villasante, sacristán y maestro de primeras letras.

Autor(es) Casimiro González      
Destinatário(s) José Cantos Villasante      
In English

Letter from Casimiro González, a priest, to José Sáez Cantos, pseudonym of José Cantos Villasante, a sacristan and literacy teacher.

The author asks José Sáez Cantos about his situation, he wants to know if he is a soldier or a convict.

Following an accusation of bigamy, a process occurred between 1755 and 1760 against José Sáez Cantos, although his real name was José Cantos Villasante. The defendant, a native to Valdefinjas (Zamora) and a resident in Buitrago del Lozoya (Madrid), was found guilty. He got married first to Manuela Mansilla in Tagarabuena (Toro, Zamora) in August 1746; and a second time to Isabel de la Cita in Madrid in October of the same year. In order to get married a second time, he paid off three witnesses who said he was a single man. José Cantos Villasante was ratted on to the Holy Office by Manuel Zarzuelo, a dyer native to Buitrago (Madrid), who knew the defendant. After Manuel Zarzuelo denounced it, he was asked to write to “the people he considered to be of the most satisfaction, good Cristians and truthful”, in order to gather reliable information about José Cantos Villasante’s conduct. As a result of this task, Manuel Zarzuelo gathered six letters (PS6135-PS6140) written by different people in 1755. During the process, it was verified that the defendant abandoned Manuela Masilla a few days after they got married and months later he had tried to kill her with a knife. Three years after this happened, José Cantos Villasante wrote a letter to Casimiro González, priest of Villamuriel de Campos (Valladolid). In that letter he confessed his repentance and expressed his wish to go back and live with Manuela Masilla in the company of a daughter from his second marriage. Casimiro González showed the letter to Manuela Masilla and she asked him to write a letter on her behalf (PS6141). Finally, there is a last letter signed by Casimiro González attached to the process documentation. The addressee of this last letter is José Cantos (PS6142). The eight letters were used as exhibit to the process.

In the upper margin of this letter, the following annotation can be read: "Recognized on July the 17th 1758. I certify it".

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Page 150r

Mui Señor mio

aviendo recivido

una de vmd en cumplimiento de su
contenido puse la que en ella venia
inclusa en manos de Manuela Man
sîlla esposa de vmd. la que no obstan
te el mal proceder de vmd y los muchos
trabajos que despues de su ausencia ha
exprimentado, y continua en su pose
sion, a mis instancias hecha cargo
de que no ay pecador por tenaz que
sea que no tenga algun arrepen
timiento, aunque tambien me dijo
que el que una vez es malo, siempre
se reputa por malo, se vencio a si
Ds lo permite, coabitar con vmd au
nque esta la pobre vien acabada
que discurro que el pecado de vmd, le
paga la pobre, como todo jenero hu
mano paga el de nuestro Padre
Adan, quanto a negociar algun
empeño para alivio de vmd no po
demos jirar por aca menos que vmd
nos informe si se alla militar, o pre
sidiario, y el tiempo que le falta, pa
ra cumplir la sentencia, por tanto
puede vmd sin perder tiempo
informar de todo para poner los mejores medios en esto que es lo princi
pal, que lo accesorio, siendo bueno el proceder de vmd, este lo compondra
en vreve, es quanto devo decir a vmd a quien Ds prospere ms as y man
de seguro

en esta suya de villamuriel y enero 10 de 1798
De vmd Seguro Servidor y cappan
Dn Casimiro Gonzalez Sr Joseph Saez Cantos.

De vmd no llego carta a sus manos

ast ora.


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