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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1801. Carta de Marcelo Cañabate para fray Felipe de los Rubielos, franciscano descalzo.

Autor(es) Marcelo Cañabate      
Destinatário(s) Felipe de los Rubielos      
In English

Letter from Marcelo Cañabate to Fr Felipe de los Rubielos, a barefoot Franciscan.

The author writes about the parish priests´ duty to teach the Gospel and the Christian Doctrine. He wants to know how did a sermon and sends his regards to the priest Alcantud.

Following an accusation for «alumbrados» against María Isabel Herráiz, the Blessed of Villar del Águila, a trial took place between 1802 and 1808. The trial broadened to include many other people accused of being complicit in her delusions. Maria Isabel Herráiz believed that Jesus Christ was within her and, as a result, she would not take communion. Some of the other accused stated that they could see Jesus as a child appearing on her chest. When she renounced the faith she admitted her mistakes. All the signs, visions and revelations she had received as true and given by God, were the work of an evil spirit. She also blamed this evil spirit for tricking her into believing that the Lord had materialized in her body in order to accomplish an overall reformation and to establish a new apostleship. She declared she had to die in Rome and ascend into heaven three days afterwards, and these facts were announced in the Apocalypse and other sacred books. Maria Isabel Herráiz also argued that the Devil was to blame for all these thoughts, since her imagination had been transformed and warmed by him. She admitted that her accomplices were looked for and incited by her. In her statement, she argued that she did not make a pact with the Devil, but she was possessed by him. Furthermore, she admitted to allowing worship of herself, although she insisted it was all a diabolical artifice. According to her, she was blameless regarding the uproar in the village. Apparently there were disturbances among her followers, the «endiablados». Fray Felipe Rubielos was among Maria Isabel Herráiz’s apostles.

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Page [29]r

Sisante 6 de Maio de 801 [fig1]

Mi qdo Fr Felipe. Aunqe tal vez nos veremos pronto;

no quiero dilatar mi respuesta a su ultima en qto al par
ticular qe he consultado con nro sor cura, cuio dictamen
es: que las dos obligaciones de explicar el evango y la doc
trina christa qe inpone el concilio a los Parrocos, se cum-
plen bastantemte explicando esta ultima los Domingos y
dias de fiesta a los Niños, mezclando con ella p los demas
alga instruccion tomada del evangelio del dia; y pre-
dicando entre año algs sermones.


Parece segun he oido qe las cosas de N. se presentan

con otro senblante y qe los instruidos hablan ya de ellas con
moderacion y cuidado. Nro Sor ira disponiendo todo al
deseado fin. Deseo saber el qe ha tenido tu sermon, so-
bre qe el mismo sor tal vez te haia preparado un exer
cicio qe no dudo llevaras con conformd.


He sabido qe el P Alcantud estaba ahi: dale mis afects ex-

presiones y prevenlo pa qe predique en la Nativd de Nra Sra
aqui tu Discipo quedo en qe lo haria de Jesus y de Nra Sra
del Rosario. Deseo saber su paradero y qe tu mandes á
tu verdo Amigo

Marcelo Cañabate

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