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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

1678. Carta de Diego Asensio de Vicuña para Lucas González.

Author(s) Diego Asensio de Vicuña      
Addressee(s) Lucas González      
In English

Letter from Diego Asensio de Vicuña to Lucas González.

Diego Asensio de Vicuña asks Lucas González to take care of his friend, who suffered from an accident, and to send him some clothes.

On the 5th of August, 1678, Manuel de Gaviria, Diego de Vicuña, José de Veragua, Antonio de Amilleta y Vidarte and Don Diego Ignacio de Burgos went out in the streets of Vergara (Guipúzcoa) playing music, making a lot of noise and causing a scandal. They arrived at the spring of Iturriozaga, entered the house of Nicolás Antonio de Madariaga, Knight of Santiago, and stole some chickens. The owner denounced the theft and, as a revenge, they wrote and made public a defaming text. In addition to verbal insults, on the 7th of August they attacked Nicolás Antonio de Madariaga, who was hit by a stone on the head, a blow that left him badly wounded and eventually caused his death. The men involved in the events ran away.

The authorities investigated all these events through a thorough interrogation of the villagers, and tried to determine the authorship of the defaming text. For this purpose, various letters were seized from the house of Antonio de Amilleta y Vidarte, and they were used as calligraphic proofs to determine that the author was Diego Vicuña. Manuel de Gaviria and Diego de Vicuña, runaways, were condemned in absentia to be captured, taken to the public jail, exposed to the public scorn mounting mules in mourning, led to the gallows and killed by slitting their throat. In addition, they were condemned to pay 800 and 700 ducats, respectively, to the plaintiffs: Magdalena de Plazaola Peñarreta, wife of the victim, and María Francisca de Zavala, his sister, and 180.000 and 160.000 maravedís to the King. José de Veragua, who was also a runaway, was condemned to be taken to the gallows and hanged, and to pay 600 ducats to the plaintiffs and 140.000 maravedís to the King. Antonio de Amilleta y Vidarte was sentenced to hard labour in a prison in Africa for four years, and to four years of banishment from the town of Vergara. He had to pay 600 ducats to the plaintiffs and 120.000 maravedís to the King. Eventually, Diego Ignacio de Burgos was sentenced to six years of exile and forced to pay 300 ducats for the plaintiffs and 80.000 maravedís to the King.

On the envelope of this letter there are some calligraphic tests, which do not match the handwriting of the letter.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

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con el gusto, que me dejo considerar y
me halegrare este le halle bueno si bien
le considero gustoso en compañia de
mi querido primo a quien le suplico
le consuele pues juzgo no estara mui
alegre por los muchos lances que aca
le an suzedido, que son incontables
y en todos los lances con arta Razon
Pero en fin el tpo a querido enseñar
le algunos desengaños, y aunq no nece
sita Vm, de q yo le supliq el que le a
ga borrar de la ymaginacion todo
lo pasado lo ago para que Vm este
pues cuantos le an pasado con sus Padres
que son para no dhas con tpo sabra
vm todo; y le suplico amigo y sr
que si por mi quiere hacer algo me
haga favor de despachar el ato
luego Pues sabe Dios la falta que
me hace y aunq mi Primo ba en qta
segun yba me parecera se acordara po
co del ato pues el pobre yba mas
muerto que bibo y en el ato me enbiara
vm la golilla bieja que esta al pie
del espejo, y la nueba si vm me
yco mrd de traer de Vad como le
avise y el puñal que le encargue
a mrn a Vm encargo estos cuidados para que todo benga en el ato, y no
dudo le e de dejar de dever esta mrd sobre las muchas que le devo para
embiarme sombrero no me parece abra comoidad y le buelbo en esto no aia
falta por amor de Dios pues el sabe la falta que me hacen aDios Amigo
y sr la maleta si ai antes que yo baia ocasion se lo Remitire a Vm
y perdone la tardanza a mi Primo o Vm tenga cuidado de embiarme
una salbadera de plomo qu esta en el arca de mi Primo, a cortinas a las
i putas María y Doña María Marcos Perez Alonso el gallo las forniteras

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