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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1588. Carta de Luisa de Cárdenas para Pompeo Amoroso, agente de negocios.

Autor(es) Luisa de Cárdenas      
Destinatário(s) Pompeo Amoroso      
In English

Letter from Luisa de Cárdenas to Pompeo Amoroso, solicitor.

The author asks Amoroso Pompeo to act diligently in resolving her suit. In order to obtain this, she gives him some news and she entrusts him with assignments as an intermediary with various personalities of the Roman court.

In 1609 the Council of Castile examined the lawsuit brought by Pompeo Amoroso against the Marquises of Este. Pompeo Amoroso claimed that he had been not paid for a 1500 ducats donation made by the Marchioness Dona Luisa Cárdenas in payment for some previous services. Firstly, the process was brought before the chief magistrate of Illescas. Pompeo Amoroso had been a servant of Bernardino de Cárdenas, and later served his daughter, Luisa, as a solicitor in Rome. In that court he had been in charge of the necessary steps to achieve the annulment of the marriage between Luisa Cárdenas and the Duke of Francávila. In return for his successful services, Luisa promised him 7000 ducats, which should have been paid him over several years at a rate of 500 ducats per year. Pompeo Amoroso presented six letters to the Council, in order to demonstrate his services and the promises that Dona Luisa had done in relation to that financial compensation.

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estando despachando para bos me dan bues

tro pliego echo a doze de nobienbre y el dubi con el
el qual salio a diez y en mi fabor aunq mas les pese a
mis contrarios y mas enbiziones agan yo estoy co
tentisima y espero en dios q lo demas q queda a de
salir como yo deseo es menester braba priesa
porq de cada palabrita quieren esa mala xen
te q se dispute todo al fin de largas por acabar
me la bida porq otra cosa no la alcanzaran
xamas y ansi se lo escribo a serafino y mucho
hagradezimiento de la md q me aze y ansi se la podeis
dar y esotra hal cardenal deza a lexandrino da
reis un Recado muy agradecido y porq le escribe
su ermano no lo ago ny puedo sigun lo tarde q es
ponpeo ya sabeis mi trabaxo y lo q me ynpor
ta salir d el q no me ba menos q mi alma

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