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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1770. Carta de María Félix Izquierdo para su padre Mateo Izquierdo, presbítero y rector de Caudé.

Autor(es) María Félix Izquierdo      
Destinatário(s) Mateo Izquierdo      
In English

Letter from María Félix Izquierdo to her father Mateo Izquierdo, priest and rector of Caudé.

The author tells her father, Mateo Izquierdo, the mistreatments and the abuses that she has been suffering.

1770 lawsuit against Pedro del Campo and his sons, Fernando and Andrés, for ill-treatment and for the attempted murder of Antonio Calvo de la Cantera and Alonso Sanz, ordinary mayors of the town of Baltanás (Palencia). Antonio Calvo de la Cantera and Alonso Sanz alleged that Pedro del Campo and his sons had refused to pay the royal taxes and, at the insistence of Antonio Calvo de la Cantera, they had hit him repeatedly. On the other hand, several inhabitants of Baltanás accused Antonio Calvo de la Cantera for abusing his position of mayor, accusing him of threatening and arresting people without a reason. Among those who denounced Antonio Calvo de la Cantera there was Mateo Izquierdo, priest and rector of the town of Caudé (Teruel). He denounced him with a formal letter sent to the Count of Aranda, claiming that Antonio Calvo de la Cantera had sexually abused his daughter, María Félix Izquierdo. To prove it he brought the letter here transcribed, in which María Félix Izquierdo wrote to his father to let him know the mistreatments and humiliations she had been victim of.

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Page 3r > 3v

pliego entero porque aun me pareze
que todo el papel que se fabrica no
sera bastante para esplicar el dolor
y sentimiento que me aflije biendo
ajado mi decoro biolentada mi casa y
desairada mi persona con los atropella
mientos de un alcalde quien sin mirar
a los pribilejios de mujer niña viuda
vien nazida onesta y de zircustan
zias a tenido la ossadia sin saver
con que motibo ni pretesto de entrar
en mi casa rrepetidas bezes a diber
sas oras yntempetibas de la noche
muchas bezes solo y otras acompañ
ado y rrejistrar los senos ma ocultos
de mi casa sin reserbar el puesto ma
s rrepetable de mi lecho y cama con no
torio abandono de mi estimazion y esca
ndalo del pueblo

heste es don Antonio Calbo

quien desde el mismo punto en
que le ylijieron alcalde y a
mui pocos dia despues se entro

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