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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1798. Carta de Lorenzo Merino, médico cirujano, para un participante no identificado.

Autor(es) Lorenzo Merino      
Destinatário(s) Anónimo316      
In English

Letter from Lorenzo Merino, a surgeon, to an unidentified addressee.

The author explains the addressee the poor state of health of José Collantes, who has been victim of an aggression, and the need to keep up with the prescribed medication in order to cure the bone fracture.

José Collantes was attacked and seriously injured. He was cured, but eventually died. A lawsuit was brought agaist Sebastián and Jacinto Burgos. The physicians who have cured the victim were asked to testify, and this is the letter presented by Lorenzo Merino to demonstrate his declaration.

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Page 20r > 20v

Villavicencio y fevo 17 de 1798

Mui señor mio Siga vm con medicinas q

recetto, pues está bien dispta y no puedo qui
tar a cada uno lo q es suyo. solo advierto a
vmrd q es esencial el manifestarle mas la
herida, con lo ql se facilita el q salga me
jor la materia q puede corromper el hue
so y el q las medicins conventes se introduz
can mas bien pa obtener una perfecta cura
cion, y tambn porqe asi se descubrirá mejor
la fractura, o hendedura qe pueda tener el


Si hubiere alga novedd avisen vms

y mande vm con satisfaccion a este

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