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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1764. Carta de Juan Estébanez para Juan Agustín Alfonso María Smit, pseudónimo de Pedro Pieres.

Autor(es) Juan Estébanez      
Destinatário(s) Pedro Pieres      
In English

Letter from Juan Estébanez to Juan Agustín Alfonso María Smit, pseudonym used by Pedro Pieres.

The author replies to Juan Agustín Alfonso María Smit apologizing for not being able to testify in his favour for him to achieve his release.

Litigation against Pedro Pieres, a native to France and naturalized in Gibraltar, who had been a military in different companies from which he had deserted. He was accused, together with two cronies, of using false identities for getting alms in churches pretending to be a new Christian converted from Lutheranism. At the time of the arrest three letters and some false passports were seized. He was also accused of desertion. During the proceeding, it was found out he was using at least two pseudonyms (Ignacio Godiafin and Juan Agustín Smit) and he was distorting the places where he was sending the letters from in order to hide his identity and his real whereabouts.

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Sor mio: Quedo enterado por la de vmd

de 21 del pasado se halla preso en esa de
Astorga, por decirme le han hallado
unos Pasaportes fingidos, como asimismo
el de haverse fingido, y declarado es De-
sertor de mi Regimto y de la Compa de
Laval, a lo qe le contexto diciendo ha
echo mui mal en dar semejante decla
razn pues yo por ningun Titulo puedo
faltar a la legalidad, primero por mi
persona, y maiorme por mi empleo,
pues bajo mi firma se da credito a ella
lo mismo qe si fuese un acto jurado.
siento ynfinito su desgracia, y mas en
el embarazo qe me quiere poner, lo
que tendré en mi siempre qe no se me

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