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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1824. Carta de Francisco Simões Pessoa, alferes, para Estevão Ferreira da Cruz, corregedor.

Autor(es) Francisco Simões Pessoa      
Destinatário(s) Estevão Ferreira da Cruz      
In English

Letter from Francisco Simões Pessoa, Lieutenant, to Estevão Ferreira da Cruz, ajudge.

The author tells the addressee that a criminal fugitive was caught.

These proceedings were opened against a gang of thieves who acted in several places of the reign of Portugal, such as fairs, markets, roads and private properties. They robbed merchants, tradesmen and several persons in their homes. The defendants were also accused of beating and murdering some of their victims. Although there were several complainers, the most active one was Rodrigo José dos Santos, a goldsmith who feared that once the defendants were released, they would take revenge from their accusers.

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tive a notiçia q Joaqm Malva tinha sido

prezo em alturas de Pombal e na verde
Foi serto porque Fui de propozito conheselo
onde depus a verde deante do Dor Juis de
Fora e lhe roguei por Bem do R S
O ouvese de remeter as cadeias desa side
pa onde Vsa o dezejava ver e o tinha man
dado pedir por mtas vezes, e me prometeo
de o mandar porem q promro queria
tirar a devaça, quanto aos mais an de
ser agarados ou mais tarde ou mais sedo
Anto vas tem istado Na portela de coembra
e Foi remetido pa o Porto hoje Ds
gde Vsa mtos as Pombal - 11 de
Maio de 1824

Franco Simois Pessoa
Alfers emcaregado da da

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