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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1561. Carta de Pablo Collado para Gutiérrez de la Peña.

Author(s) Pablo Collado      
Addressee(s) Gutiérrez de la Peña      
In English

Letter from Pablo Collado to Gutiérrez de la Peña.

The author informs Gutiérrez de la Peña of his departure to Tocuyo and of his bad state of health.

On the occasion of Lope de Aguirre´s defeat in Tocuyo (also known as the tyrant Lope de Aguirre), the captain Gutiérrez de la Peña claimed for himself all the flags as a reward. However, Diego García de Paredes, as "maestre de campo" (chief of staff), asked for the flags to be equally shared. Gutiérrez de la Peña assured that García de Paredes could not benefit from it because he was not present at the battlefield against Lope de Aguirre. Gutiérrez also used the same argument when a third aspirant appeared: it was Pablo Collado, the governor of Venezuela at the time. The governor was not in the battle neither because he was ill and Gutiérrez presented two letter in which Pablo Collado informed of his illness. The prosecutor of the Council determined that none of the parts should keep the flags, since they belonged to the Crown. The argument was based on the grounds that the action against Lope de Aguirre was not a war action, but the Crown´s response against a rebel and, therefore it should be the Crown deciding what to do with the flags and the booty.

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Page 52r

muy magco señor

yo vi a este hidalgo y me holge de verle y pla

ticar con el beso a vmd las manos por la md en
esto y el aviso en todo yo me yva bien per
dido d salud aunq pensando tener a
lla alguna y ansi me parti Esta mañana
de la qbrada de franco min donde este hidalgo
y el señor ju de la peña me hallaron y pasan
do adelante cuarto de legua me halle tan
arepentido q quise mas tornarme a mo
rir aqui aguardando lo q dios sea ser
vido de hazer de todos q no yr en condizion
a bivir en otra parte y ansi suplico a vm
continuando lo comenzado prosiga en
todo que a mi no ay q darme cuenta de
nada sino en alto o en baxo hazer v
md su voluntad pues todo lo pued confor
mandose sienpre con esos cavalleros a qui
en beso las manos de mi salud hago saber
a vm q todavia me trata mal la calen
tura y tengo muy perdida la boca y
me da mucha pena y las almorranas me destie
rran y a todo no se que me hazer mas q aguardar la
mysiricordia de dios nueso señor la muy magca per
sona de vm guarde y el estado acreziente
como vm desea de tocayo y de otubre tres
donde queda

y besa a vm las manos
el lido pablo

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