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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Facsimile Lines

1766. Notas pessoais de Bernardo da Silva do Amaral, padre, possivelmente enviadas como carta a Tomásia Isabel Gonzaga, filha de desembargador.

Autor(es) Bernardo da Silva do Amaral      
Destinatario(s) Tomásia Isabel Gonzaga      
In English

Personal notes made by Bernardo da Silva do Amaral, a priest, possibly sent as a letter to Tomásia Isabel Gonzaga, the daughter of a judge.

The author writes down his philosophy of life: not to bother with what other people say and not to believe appearances.

Father Bernardo da Silva Amaral was a priest who lived in Pernambuco (Brazil), although he was born in Lisbon. He was arrested in Recife in 1772, when he was 46 years old, under the suspicion of having made heretic propositions and of abusing women ("solicitação"). Several women testified against him. They said he used to teach that neither kisses, hugs or caresses were sins, they were rather a way of serving God, so he kissed, hugged and caressed them. He was accused of going to bed with several of them, sometimes mother and daughter at the same time, and was also seen bathing with them. Most of the private letters used as exhibits against him were exchanged between this priest and the mother and daughter pair. The letters exchanged with the mother are partly in cipher, but the court could not force the defendant to explain how to decode them.

Deciphering for the Post Scriptum edition: Teresa Rebelo da Silva.

Code: o=a; 9=c; 8=d; +=e; R=f; ==g; /=h; -=i; 6=l; .=m; ..=n; ⁞=o; ::=p; …=q; x=r; 1=s; 2=t; 3=u; ǯ=v; 5=z

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

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Aos 2 de Abril de 1765 asemtei

depoes de assentar comigo tantas
vezes q era licito, e justo e por ditame
alheyo estas 3 couzas de nada fazer
cazo, 2a q nada se entende como soa,
3a q todas estas 2 couzas erão pa


Segda vez confirmo está



3a vez confirmo tudo o dito

tudo tudo.


Não andes com loucuras, doido, 4a vez

confirmo confirmo tudo tudo o dito,
e nem a páo te tires daqui


Aos 20 de Abril de ano dito de

poes de mta ponderaçao assentei ob
servar as 3 couzas sobredas asentei
assentei, assentei com toda firmeza e
de fazer as 3 couzas das não duvides
antes deves rezistir como a tentação
grave ao contrario: olha q tanto tãto
dam ao corpo, e alma te vem, é loucura

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