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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

[1770-1779]. Carta de Maria Inácia para a sua irmã, Gertrudes Felizarda Cogominho Pavia e Vasconcelos Sardinha.

Autor(es) Maria Inácia      
Destinatário(s) Gertrudes Felizarda Cogominho Pavia e Vasconcelos Sardinha      
In English

Family letter from Maria Inácia to her sister, Gertrudes Felizarda Cogominho Pavia e Vasconcelos Sardinha.

The author asks her sister for money; she hopes noone will learn it in the house where she is living, her uncle's house.

Gertrudes Felizards Cogominho Pavia e Vasconcelos, because her mother was ill and debilitated, sued her maternal uncle and a cousin for receiving the income of an estate («capela») which was her mother's and hers by right. She accused them of forcing her father to state that she wasn't really her mother's daughter. She also accused them of taking her sister from the home they both inhabited and eventually abandoning her.

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Minha Manna do meu Coração e de estimar vmce

e o manno (a qm me recomendo saudoza) Logrem
saude mto prefeita aCompanhada daquellas fele
cides q eu lhe dezejo mainha rica manna como vmce
me ofereseo q se eu presizase de aLgũa couza lho
mandase pedir, e como agora me axo com bas
te presizão me valho do seu favor q lhe peso isto pe
lla saude do manno se tiver tostam o seis vinten
is q me empreste até a semanna me fas gde esmo
lla q so Ds sabe se o eu presizo e o mesmo Snr
lhe a vmce as felicides q lhe dezeja esta sua ver
dadeira e amte Irmam


este as escondidas delles e não

tomara q a Brites o soubese q logo
lho dis


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