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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1622. Carta de Francisco Cardoso de Oliveira, clérigo, para o irmão, João de Oliveira, padre.

Autor(es) Francisco Cardoso de Oliveira      
Destinatário(s) João de Oliveira      
In English

Family letter from Francisco Cardoso de Oliveira, cleric, to his brother João de Oliveira, cleric.

The author complains to his brother that he has not written to him for four months, and makes him see the importance of them remaining united in the face of the adversity lately suffered by their family.

The defendant in this process is the cleric João de Oliveira arrested by the Inquisition in October 7, 1622. His parents, Tomás Rodrigues and Violante de Oliveira, New-Christians, had been arrested and released before. This time Tomás Rodrigues was arrested again, however, under the accusation of intending to flee the country. Two of his sons were not arrested, since they were abroad at the time, but all the other family members went to prison: his wife, his daughter, who was a nun, and another three sons, among which João de Oliveira. Only his daughter and one of the sons survived, all the others died in prison. Some of the letters in the process have been handed over to the Inquisition by one of the recipents, and others were found in the pockets of the defendant, when we was arrested.

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Suposto que vm se olvida tanto de mi eu

não ei de deixar de o enfadar com cartas
ate q de enfadado me escreva q lhe não es
creva e com isso me darei por satisfeito q
tendo cartas de sua mão saberei boas novas de
sua saude que he o q mais estimo, e não queira
vm por en contingençia minha confiança
em q cude que toda a m q vm me fazia
era mais por comprimto q por vontade q
qdo nas bonanças (ainda q eu nunca as tive
a Deus gracias) bem se achão amigos e ir-
mãos mas nas adversidades se exprimen
tão estas vontades se são verdadeiras, com
justa cauza me queixo pois em 4 mezes
não ouve dia desocupado pa mandar-
me 4 regras; he pouca dita minha e que
de todo ponto devo de estar ja borrado de sua
memoria, e como couza aborrecibel nẽ
as minhas quer responder, donde venho a
ver q sou mais neçio q todos pois comtudo
torno a escrever a quẽ tão pouco cazo fas
de mi e de minhas cartas: são efeitos de amor
verdadeiro q donde se recebe mais agravos
ali tem mais vontade; esta sabe deus q
nunca me faltou pa vm e pa o mais minimo
dessa caza nem faltara emqto viver e a vm

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