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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1790. Carta de María Ignacia Beldarrain para su marido José García Losada y Manjares.

Autor(es) María Ignacia Beldarrain      
Destinatario(s) José García Losada y Manjares      
In English

Letter from María Ignacia Beldarrain to her husband José García Losada y Manjares.

The author writes her husband to express the sorrow and disappointment she felt when she knew that they are not going to see each other soon. She also describes him the trouble her family has had to endure.

José García Losada y Manjares were the lawyer of the defence in the lawsuit brought against Alonso Sánchez, resident in the village of Fuentelapeña, about the theft of a Spanish bushel of peas, which took place in 1789. At the end of the process, José García Losada y Manjares was sentenced to pay part of the costs for not having abided by the law and the royal orders and for having acted impertinently and maliciously during the process. In the opinion of the judge, this behaviour had complicated and prolonged the process, increasing its costs. The lawyer tried to appeal to avoid this payment, but the magistrate did not change his ruling. Although José García Losada y Manjares claimed that the charge of costs was unfair, and that it was too big a scorn for his name and honour, the magistrate decided to initiate the seizure of the properties of the lawyer. The lawyer was seized almost all his properties, he lost his cattle, and his wife suffered a premature delivery as a consequence of the stress. This letter was presented as a proof of the abuse he had to suffer at the moment of a request made by the lawyer in order to recover his cattle and to ask for an economic help. However, the final judgment confirmed the condemn against José García Losada y Manjares.

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Alaexos y 8e 30 de 1790

Querido Pepe: acabo de recibir la tuya con bastan-

te pena en ver qe te quedas en esa quando te esperaba
con muchos deseos para entregarte la adxunta, qe
me ha trahido Fernandez, haciendose de nuevas
que estabas forastero; y haviendole dicho te espe-
rava esta noche, me dexo ese papel, diciendo
te entregase, quando vinieres, haviendome que
dado sola, la ley, y en vista de ella llame a Dn Franco
pr la Maria quien encontro a la marrana ata
da a la rexa de la carzel, puesta a vender y
me han dicho qe se ha vendido, no se a quien
ni en quanto, solo si, qe la tasaron en 150 rs
haviendo venido Dn Franco le enseñe el escrito, y
me dixo, si queria, presentaria un pedimto
en mi nombre, diziendo se suspendiesen es
tos procedimtos interim no estuvieses tu aqui; pero
teniendo presente lo qe tu me digiste de qe hici-
esen todo quanto quisiesen, no se me diere nada,
ni me asustase, no me atrevi a presentar
el escrito, con la confianza de qe vendrias esta
noche; y asi no dudo qe haran con todo lo demas
lo qe han hecho con la Marrana, y aunqe qui
siera no sentir estos golpes no puedo menos
de sentirlos. Me dices qe se bautize la Niña

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