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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1722. Carta de Duarte António da Câmara, 5º conde de Aveiras, para Luís José de Vasconcelos e Azevedo, fidalgo.

Autor(es) Duarte António da Câmara      
Destinatário(s) Luís José de Vasconcelos e Azevedo      
In English

After the liberal revolution in Portugal, the state centralized the Art education by merging the teaching of Fine Arts and of Mechanic Arts. The Lisbon National Academy of Fine Arts was founded in this context in 1836 and was inaugurated in the following year. It occupied the building of the extinct Monastery of São Francisco, where a library of thousands of volumes was also available. Although its history was obviously made of changes, the Academy maintained a strong cultural, pedagogical and honorific vocation. Besides forming new artists, the Academy always gave scholarships and prizes and saw to the publication of reference works.

The documentation that we publish from its archival funds belong to a donation made in 1902 by António TomásPires (1850-1913), an ethnographer, writer, politician, and member of the National Monuments committee. He assembled documents from the 16th to the 19th century, among which many private and family letters.

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Page 366r


Amo e Sr com grde alvorosso saberey sempre esti

mar o ver a vsa neste quartel, e mto mais vindo despacha
do como espero; eu não tive resposta ainda dos
conselhros de guerra a qm participey o dezo que tenho
de que elles ponhão a vsa nesta Praça tanto pello seu
merecimto, como pellas sircunstancias, que o preferem
a todos mas a condeça me segura que o Conde do
Rio, e D João Manoel estão a favor de vsa e eu
não menos o espero estar do que devo ao sr Diogo
de Mendonça, e principalmte tendo a rezão da minha
pte, e a vsa pa lhe fazer como espero Lembrado este
meo requerimto pois da sua demóra se me segue
grde prejuizo. Deoz gde a vsa ms ans Extremos
20 de Junho de 1722

Mo amo e sor de vs
Conde de Aveyras
Sor Luis Jozeph de Vasconsos

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