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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Syntactic Trees

1804. Carta de Juan Bautista Gorostiosi para José Vicente de Zulaica.

Autor(es) Juan Bautista Gorostiosi      
Destinatário(s) José Vicente de Zulaica      
In English

Letter from Juan Bautista Gorostiosi to José Vicente de Zulaica.

The author writes to José Vicente de Zulaica to inform him that he has to go to a town hall to do some paperwork and to justify the occupations of his father, and he apologises for it.

José Vicente de Zulaica, mayor of Zumaya, brought a lawsuit against José Charpategui, accusing him of insults. To demonstrate his accusation, he presented letters in which various people declared their outstanding debts.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Frase s-4 Conozco que es darle a vm un Petardo solemne, pero no puedo remediar p esta ocasion, pues los que estamos rendidos no nos podemos librar.
Frase s-5 esta mañana tampoco podia p lo que le he dho al Prevoste.
Frase s-6 Mi Padre está mui ocupado con motivo de estar el Vico de Prexil en esta arreglando diferentes asumptos sobre el noveno decimal.

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