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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1593. Carta de António de Andrade para destinatário anónimo.

Autor(es) António de Andrade      
Destinatário(s) Anónimo435      
In English

Note from the prisoner António de Andrade to the abbot of Oporto cathedral.

The author tells the addressee that he is sending him an appended letter that another prisoner wrote instead of confessing himself.

Francisco Fernandes, while waiting for his execution in the Oporto jail and since he was expected to confess his sins, wrote a denial of the Catholic faith instead. The Inquisition decided to leave him be, since he was writing in despair. Nevertheless, if his sentence was by any chance commuted, he would be persecuted for the same denial.

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ho omem a quem vm veio falar as grades desta cadea que lhe dise vm que hera muito bem feito que se cõfesase fez esa carta e deuma que a mandase a vm por minha molher e a mim pareceume que mandase chamar a vm pera se comfesar e a noute dizemdo lhe eu que seria bem feito cõfeçarse ele me dise que de fremte hia a carta da cõfição que não o avia de fazer se vm asertar de vir pera esta parta fasa me vm merce por amor de noso snõr de me dar hũa fala

Criado de vm Amtonio d ãdrade



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