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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1687. Carta de Andrés de Molina para Diego Francisco Melgarejo.

Autor(es) Andrés de Molina      
Destinatario(s) Diego Francisco Melgarejo      
In English

Letter from Andrés de Molina to Diego Francisco Melgarejo.

The author informs Diego Francisco Melgarejo of the details of his business and asks him for help to solve the difficulties that have arisen from it.

In 1689 a litigation to settle the possession of a benefit in the parish church of San Ildefonso (Jaen) was brought before the Council. The aforementioned benefit had been vacant after Juan Pedro Morales passing away. The two litigants were Salvador de Alcázar Palacios, a presbyter and a resident of Jaen, and Andrés de Molina, a native to Ubeda and a resident of the Court of Rome. Salvador Alcázar had taken possession of the benefit after the Nuncio granted him a provision and once he knew that Andrés de Molina was claiming the benefit with Papal Bulls, he brought a lawsuit. Although Molina argued that the benefit provision was to be issued by the Holy Father and, therefore, he should be the chosen one, and not Alcázar. The latter denounced that the former had obtained the nomination by paying a pension. According to Alcázar, these payments together with Andrés de Molina´s poor qualities proved that Molina was unfit for the benefit. Salvador Alcázar based his case on the testimonies of witnesses who verified the payment of the pension and by providing three letters. The letters were written by Andrés de Molina and Juan Prieto to Diego Francisco Melgarejo and expressed Molina´s wish of gathering the amount of money asked for in Rome for issuing the Bulls.

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sr diego mi amo y sor Roma 20 de octubre

Mui señor mio creiendo que Vmd ubiera escrito al sor d franco corea, en el coreo siguiente me despachase; si no me avia resuelto a la propuesta de Vmd en horden a que diera el Beneficio a D Ju de la tore no e determinado mis despacho siempre atendiendo a que me a de aiudar favoreciendome caritativo a salir bien de todo; la pension fue ninguna aora son quinze escudos por ciertos emulos que salieron los quales sabra vmd quando me ponga a sus pies Y aora le suplico (si no lo a echo) por amor de dios enbiar horden para este despacho hasta que alle a mas mi pesadumbre: Y para ello puede Vmd aseguse bien de toda la acienda de mi Padre pues esta pronto a ello lo qual espero de Vmd por amor de dios




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