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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


[1766-1771]. Carta de Vicente Salazar para Isabel Trujillo

Autor(es) Vicente Salazar      
Destinatario(s) Isabel Trujillo      
In English

Letter from Vicente Salazar to Isabel Trujillo.

The author expresses his sorrow to Isabel Trujillo for the bad time she had during the carnivals and confirms he will be available to meet her, as well as the possibilities to go through with those dates.

In 1772 Isabel Trujillo appeared before court demanding Vicente Salazar´s compliance with the marriage promise he had made to her. The couple, native to Carmona, had kept a love relationship for five years. In order to prove the commitment was true, Isabel provided several letters and objects that Vicente had given her. However, at the same time that Isabel upheld her litigation before justice, another young woman appeared claiming that a similar promise had been made to her by Vicente Salazar. María de Ávila stated that she had also received a marriage promise and she had given in to Vicente´s pretentions. As a consequence, she was eight months pregnant. Isabel Trujillo argued that Vicente Salazar had promised to marry her first and doubted that María de Ávila had ever met him. The defendant, who was being held in Seville Real Audiencia´s prison, admitted the promises made to Isabel Trujillo and also that the letters and objects she presented were his. However, he did not admit having met María de Ávila. The fact that the latter left no stone unturned in her quest to achieve justice only delayed the proceeding. Throughout the litigation Isabel Trujillo kept providing letters proving her long friendship and courtship with Vicente Salazar. Despite Isabel´s arguments being solid, the witnesses presented by María de Ávila showed that she had enough reasons to demand the compliance of Vicente´s promises. In 1774 the defendant admitted he had promised to marry both women and, considering María´s circumstances, he acknowledged paternity of her child. Faced with this situation, Isabel Trujillo decided to withdraw her claim, which facilitated María and Vicente´s marriage.

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Hermana de mi corazon y de mis entrañas despues de desear tu salud y ofrezer la que me asiste mui a tu disposizion.

hermana mia beo lo poco divertida que has tenido las carnestolendas y solo tu divertimento a sido quando me beias a mi pero te aseguro que a mi me a suzedido lo mismo pues el segundo dia y el ultimo del carnabal me fui a santa Maria a oir el sermon y de paso por ver si te podia beer oy sin embargo que savia que estabas en la casa de tu hermana y luego que sali de oir el sermon me fui a grazia y luego suby por la cruz del mirador y fui a preguntar como te dije aquella Casa con fines de que tu me bieras no quise pasar por la casa de tu hermana no aziendome el cargo de que se presumiria nos haviamos combocado los dos y por eso me fui por la otra Calle.

lo que io senty fue el que el lunes en la noche no hubieras estado en tu Casa para haverte dado una Casa que me comy yo el Martes, hi dyje entre mi partizipandoselo a ella de que io me lo e comido le aprobechara lo mismo que si se lo hubiera comido conque contentate con esas Letras. por aora.

Me alegro qe el rrelijioso partizipara de lo qe te dy.

en quanto a lo que me dizes de que como a entrado la quaresma si podre hir a la misma ora que hasta aqui te digo que no tengo yncomeniente el hir a la misma ora siempre que a ti te acomode pero te e de merezer que si puede ser el que tu baias a san bartolome a las platicas que hagas por hir pues yo me pondre Junto A el Altar maior o Junto a el pulpito pues siempre acostumbro a ponerme en tal sitio y puede ser que alguna bez te veia y con eso me consuelo y abisame si te se ofreze alguna cosa.

esta tarde te vide en la bentana baja pero no rrepare como yo hubiera querido porque tu cuñado el maestro de Molina de las Monjas subia y se echo a rreir luego qe me vido. Quien te quiere de Corazon bien lo sabe aDios hija mia ADios cielo



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