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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1753. Carta no autógrafa de Fernando Carralero, abad, para su sobrino Diego Sánchez Carralero y Aguadé, fraile.

Autor(es) Fernando Carralero      
Destinatário(s) Diego Sánchez Carralero y Aguadé      
In English

Unsigned letter sent by Fernando Carralero, an abbot, to his nephew Diego Sánchez Carralero y Aguadé, a friar.

The author writes his nephew to warn him that someone sent him a letter pretending to be the addressee, and that the letter contained some defamatory stanzas.

In February of 1753 defamatory stanzas were left on the altar of the church of the Cistercian monastery of Nuestra Señora de Monsalud (Córcoles, Guadalajara). They were entitled 'Seguidillas for a mixed marriage', and their content accused the 'cillerero' (an administrator) of the convent, Diego Sánchez Carralero y Aguadé, of having maintained an intimate relationship with a recently married girl. The stanzas defamed also other members of the convent, such as the abbot Andrés Calvo, and the prior, Vicente Cervantes. Soon, the content of the stanzas became public. Moreover, someone pretended to be the administrator and sent the text to the prior of another convent, uncle of the administrator. the gravity of the situation forced Vicente Cervantes, the prior of the convent, to request the intervention of the Holy Office. The enquiries determined that the responsible for the scandal had been Cristóbal Núñez, a friar and the former general of the San Bernardo order, who had quarrelled with some of the friars of the convent and in particular with Diego Sánchez Carralero y Aguadé. Eventually, the Inquisition tribunal of Cuenca prohibited and seized the text and reprimanded Cristóbal Núñez.

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Texto: -

este Correo recivi la adjunta acompda de esas Coplas.
Debuelvolo todo Conforme lo recivi, prq dudo mucho q la Carta sea tuia, i mucho mas el q pienses, me se-ria gustosa la noticia del asup asumpto de las Seguidillas.
Si fuese tuia la Carta, está ad-vertido pa en adelante de q no gusto de Semejantes noti-cias;
i asi no he leido el impresso, ni leere algo de su especie
Manda, i encomiendame a Ds q te gde ms as.
Pedraza-les, i febo 28 de 1753.
Tu Tio de Corazon Fr Ferndo Carralero

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