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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1643. Carta de João Fernandes Penedo, familiar do Santo Ofício, para destinatário inexistente,supostamente a Inquisição de Coimbra.

Autor(es) João Fernandes Penedo      
Destinatário(s) Anónimo396      
In English

Fake delation letter from João Fernandes Penedo, an Inquisition collaborator, to a non-existent addressee, supposedly someone in the Inquisition.

The author describes the physical appearance of three men, telling the addressee that they are in Portalegre after having fled, three years earlier, from the Spanish Inquisition of Valladolid.

João Fernandes Penedo was accused of abusing his role of Inquisition "familiar" (a collaborator). He arrested people without proof, accusing them of Judaism. He defended himself saying that it was a way of menacing the ones that had stolen his money, forcing them to pay him back. He was released after being found mentally unstable.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

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fara Vm diligencia pela via q lhe pa
recer se apartão por estas partes
tres homens naturais de sãotaren
cunhados E irmãos que ha tres anos fo
girão da imquiCicão de valhadolide
chamasse ricardo Lopez suas insinias
são meio mulatado baixo os olhos
pretos abugualhados e não encovados seu
irmão chamasse manoel Carnro tem
huã navalhada pelo rrosto que lha deu
frco aires de braganca em mõte
rei evora 12 anos e hu outro cha
masse Luis Vas Cazado huã irmam
destes este E de idade de 40 anos al
vo como a neve afiminado do rrosto
o manoel Carnro E gintil e medico de idade
de 45 anos a 25 anos q fogirão

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