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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


[1689]. Carta de Joana de Oliveira para Inácio Francisco, oficial de calafate.

Autor(es) Joana de Oliveira      
Destinatário(s) Inácio Francisco      
In English

Letter from Joana de Oliveira to Inácio Francisco, caulkin workman.

The author suggests the recipient a supernatural explanation for the illnesses of which he complains and tells him about some devotional solutions.

The Inquisition archives contain, apart from the around 40 thousand individual proceedings ("processos"), a collection of scattered charges, for which the Inquisition "Promotor" had to decide whether or not to prosecute. Complaints, confessions, letters by the commissioners or about different stages of each proceedings are some of the document types that can be found in these books. This letter has been kept among such documentation.

«Sir. I hope these few lines will find you in perfect health, as I wish for myself, and I'm in good health too, God be praised for everything you demand from me in His holy service. Sir, about what you have told Joana to ask me regarding your complaints, I already know what's been making you ill, and I believe it is your father [the ghost of him]. He says he's been hurting you, and your mother as well, but it's not his fault, it's rather because God wanted it this way because his time isn't over yet, although he is due soon. What he asks you, is not to harm your aunt, rather to do her all the good you can, and because of that he feels very sorry that you have cursed her. And order, sir, right away, three masses for his soul, three for the Holy Ghost and three for Our Lady and one novena to the Lady of the Abbey. And when you have made this promise to yourself, carry it out. Your other one, leave it for next year. And if you satisfy all these requests, I'll go pray and there I'll ask God to look after you. He says he should ask you for more but you cannot do it right now. As God makes you richer, he is sure he will be remembered. I won't bother you any longer. Joana handed me four hundred and fifty, which was not much. May God keep your soul. Anything you want from me, just answer me in the back of this letter.»

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