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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1719. Carta de Giraldo Nobre Ferreira, estudante de Teologia, para destinatário desconhecido.

Autor(es) Giraldo Nobre Ferreira      
Destinatário(s) Anónimo335      
In English

Declaration note from Giraldo Nobre Ferreira, a student, to a non identified addressee.

The authors declares that he will serve the devil.

Giraldo Nobre Ferreira was a Theology student in Braga, the son of a trader. He was arrested in 1720 because he had written a note where he invoked the devil. He explained that he was desperate to gain the affection of a woman and wrote the note in order to conquer her. He was sentenced to exile in the extreme South of Portugal, in Castro Marim, Algarve.

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Texto: -

Por este por mim feito e asignado digo eu Giral-do Nobre Ferra q he Verdade q eu darei o q me pedir o Diabo q me quizer servir mas com Comdissem q hoje ha de estar com meu poder pronto pera me servir com q eu quizer, e hir bus-car o q eu lhe pedir
e ha de andar em figura de Negro por toda a partte
e isto ha de ser emthe o gantar qdo elle ha de vir.
26 de Junho de 1719 Giraldo Nobre Ferra

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