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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1661. Carta de Basco Pereira, administrador de la renta del tabaco, a su suegro Bartolomé López Telles.

Autor(es) Basco Pereira      
Destinatário(s) Bartolomé López Telles      
In English

Letter from Basco Pereira, a tobacco revenue administrator, to Bartolomé López Telles, his father-in-law.

The author writes to his father-in-law Bartolomé López Telles regarding his economic situation. He also writes about certain businesses and purchasing and sales transactions.

Basco Pereira, of Portuguese origin, was a tobacco revenue administrator. He lived alternately in Ocaña and Toledo and only travelled to Madrid for business matters. Bartolomé López Telles was his father-in-law and lived in Madrid. Basco Pereira often wrote to his father-in-law in order for him to deal with certain work related matters in Madrid. Due to his position, he also kept a correspondence with many other people. Basco Pereira was accused of judaizer and of being an abettor of an observant of the Law of Moses network, reason why he was arrested on the Corpus Christy day in 1661.The letters provided to the process documentation (5 in all) were seized from the defendant himself in the moment he was arrested. The prosecutor´s accusation is based solely in the content of the letters, given they were proof of his role as an abettor and they were written with a double language full of hidden messages. The letters were indeed full of numerous mentions to people with false names or pseudonyms that only the defendant or the addressee could know. It was due to the fact of all of them being judaizers who feared that they could be found out by the Inquisition. The prosecutor also argued that the defendant used the correspondence to support and protect this judaizer network, as can be seen from the alms he was distributing to them through his father-in-law, despite the fact the defendant was not wealthy. Basco Pereira denied all these facts during the interrogation. He tried to defend himself from all the accusations and assured that him and his family were convinced Old Christians. Eventually the defendant was condemned to penance, banishment and to pay 500 ducats for being a heretic. This letter presents some annotations made by a member of the Holy Office stating that the defendant recognized the letter. There are also other notes that refer to certain sons and fathers mentioned in the postdate of the letter.

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Texto: -

Por la de vmd Veo averle faltado carta mia que siento se perdiesse en la estafeta que yo no dejo de escrivir
estimo su salud y de la mas obligacion que mi Sr le aumte como puede y desseo a dios gracias
io la goço para servir a vmd.
En quanto a cobranças no le quiero dar passiones que basta las que io tengo acerca d ellas el verme al pressente sin un Rl y enpenado en la letra que mande
que Lo poco u nada que ha venido a ssido pagar un poco de tavaco que avia 50 dias avia conprado i otras dependençias
que los executores que van a las cobranças quitanle 100b que avian de traer y quedome sin ellos pues vender haziendas en el tiempo presste ni por un Rl que de Verdad no se como me tengo de aver
que el maior sentimiento que tengo es por vmd que esta a la vista de la cassa
querera dios que hasta fin d este se cobre algo que por delijencias no queda.
En la passada mandava a vmd una carta que me avian escripto y no conozco de quien es con las que sera
con esta procure saber quien es que io no tengo dado respuesta a ninguna.
Por pedro el estafeta mande unas dos escripturas a vmd para que se sacase un mandamiento de execucion y que me las rrimitiese luego que son de un cavallero i por mas que hice no pude escussarme
son penciones de lugares cortos
vmd tenga pasencia
estimare venga lo que se pedia.
avizeme vmd que valen Doblones que aqui cada ravan llenan tantas y no parecen
mas si viere algun dino es mejor tenero que no pagar portes
Manuel me tiene pedido tavaco
io no tengo ninguno que tassadamente avera para 15 dias para el puesto que en los lugares no me da cuidado por lo que ellos gastan
aviseme vmd si viene el de Galizia
si no es necessario buscar Remedio en el inter
si tardare para Toledo y algun rollo para esta
A D Blanca Fresco esta por propia con mil desseos de su vista que si las cobranças andaran d esta forma que no me avia de dilatar mucho mi viaje.
mas que le doi palabra atropellare lo mas que pueda por abrevialla
en todas me rrecomiendo
Ocaña a 9 de mayo de 1661
de vmd Basco Pereira
Veo aver llegado Jabe hijo y padre
mala venida venga con ellos y dios les de el cusseso que les deseo
vmd se aparte lo mas que pueda de tal jente porque no son de codiçia
aviseme vmd si rrimito la carta que deje para el aldea que estimare vaya a su mano
S Barme Lopez Telles

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