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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1712. Carta de Andrés Merlo, dependiente en la colecturía del subsidio, para Nicolás Gómez Ramírez, agente de la colecturía del subsidio.

Autor(es) Andrés Merlo      
Destinatário(s) Nicolás Gómez Ramírez      
In English

Letter from Andrés Melo to Nicolás Gómez Ramírez, both tax collectors.

The author, after showing interest about common friends and family, explains to Nicolás Gómez Ramírez the different appointments he has made in some nearby villages. He also comments on different matters such as the sale of barley and wheat, the price setting and the market situation for these products. In the end he informs about the blessed Agustina Salgado poor health.

The trial for fooled and self-delusion against Agustina Salgado, blessed of Our Lady of Carmel, occurred between 1712 and 1716. She was found guilty. The correspondence relates to Nicolás Hernández’s healing process, who suffered from an unknown affection that requested the blessed’s intervention. Agustina Salgado was staying at her nephew’s house, Andrés Merlo, because she was ill and she was found once in a very bad condition «rolled up on herself, very injured, with puzzled arms and broken bones in her body without being able to move [...] word was passed around that an evil spirit had come upon her»(7v). Eugenio González de María, the sender of some of the letters from this set, witnessed one of the moments in which the defendant was under the influence of the devil. Nicolas Hernández heard that Agustina Salgado was a virtuous woman and, before going to her, he inquired Eugenio Aguado about her capabilities (PS8023). Aguado explains him she was a very spiritual woman and, consequently, Nicolás Hernández decided to contact her. He intended for her to entrust him to God and also ask her if it was appropriate for him to marry María Teresa Pezeño. Agustina Salgado told him that the marriage would please God. So they got married in 1712 and ever since they did Nicolás Hernández suffered from an unknown soul affection (127v). Fl.128. Eventually, Nicolás Hernández denounced Agustina through Manuel Garzo and the defendant tried to convince Nicolás Hernández to leave the businesses in which his agent, Nicolás Gómez Ramírez, was working so that he did not get sick as it happened to himself. It seems that the ulterior motive behind her demands was to pass these businesses to her relatives. On the left margin of folio 175r the inquisitors wrote down "9ª". Besides, there is a mark covering the text in which the blessed is mentioned. The letters are provided to the process by their addressees.

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Amigo y S
me alegrare que Vmd tubiese feliz arrivo a su Casa y que mi Sa Da Josepha quedase buena, Como que el amo y S Dn Nicolas se halle mui mejorado de sus achaques y que mi Sa Da Maria este mas buena
en Casa todos estamos Como Vmd nos dexo (a Dios grazias)
oi a sido dia fatal para la tia y siempre estamos a su servo
Hice el nombramto de terzeros en fuente el saz y Valdetorres,
en ValdePiélagos no le hize porque estaban ambos fuera
quedo el Cura en hazerlo y que me embiaria la escriptura esta sema a Algete,
en Alalpardo estube aier y estaba el Cura en fuente el saz a visitar al visitador y por eso no se hizo el nombramto pero Matheo Lopez es alcalde y maymo de la fabrica y no se si lo admitira
y me pareze no se le podra precisar a ello y en su defecto no se quien pueda serlo si no es el sacristan que aunque no se si tiene algunas combenienzias a lo menos tendra la Inteliga pues Corre todos los años Con rezivir y entregar
Vmd me avise lo que he de executar sobre ello
Quedo advertido de lo que Vmd me dexo prevenido en su papel y de no dezir que la zeva de Coveña no se vendera mas que a siete Rs: porque lo traen de Daganzo a ese prezio y mexor pues aquella esta mui puerca,
en qto a la que esta en mi casa discurro tendra salida de siete y mo, a ocho Porque ai poco aqui de venta y Mro. que tiene algo esta en trujillo y no a dexado orden
y asi de todo espero aviso
el trigo que se ajusto con Juana Peña a 25 Rs se midio aier y ubo 18 fs y ma
pondralo Vmd en notizia del Sr Dn Nicolas para que vea como le sale la quenta
y le dara de parte de Manuelita y mia memorias y a la Sa Da Maria
y Vmd tambien las reziva
la tia no esta aora para acordarse de nadie si no es de Dios a quien clama por las nezesidades Comunes
su magd se apiade de nosotros y a Vmd le de pefecta salud y gde ms as
Algete y maio 20 de 1712
B l mo de Vmd su mas sego servor y amo Andres Merlo Amigo S Dn Nicolas Gomez

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