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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1625. Carta de Thomas Philipe de Guerra, fraile dominico, para Thomas Carrillo de Ibarra.

Autor(es) Thomas Philipe de Guerra      
Destinatário(s) Thomas Carrillo de Ibarra      
In English

Letter of Thomas Philipe de Guerra, a Franciscan friar, to Thomas Carrillo de Ibarra.

The author asks Thomas Carrillo de Ibarra to collect some powders he wants to use in a ritual, since a different remedy he had used before did not work. He hopes it will be effective; otherwise they will have to go to Seville. He takes advantage to send his regards to some mutual acquaintances and he lets him know he has sent tobacco with the person who is delivering the letter.

A trial for witchcraft against Ana Díaz occurred in 1625 and it remained incomplete. Ana Díaz was known for «having knowledge of sorcery» and she had already been accused for the same reason in Almagro (Ciudad Real). The letter was provided to the process by the addressee. Thomas Philipe de Guerra wanted a spell to make a woman fall in love with him. Ana Díaz gave him a remedy consisting in salt in a handkerchief that he had to throw in the fire while reciting some words. In the event it did not work, he had to use some powders that would be hidden somewhere in a place specified by her. Thomas Carrillo de Ibarra was the person appointed to go and look for the powders at Ana Díaz’s house. However, when he could not find them, and since she was in prison, he asked her husband, Diego Gómez, who insisted the powders should be where she said they would.

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Texto: -

La fee que tenia de que los spsalmos de ese david avian de causar algun efecto oy viernes, y visto no a surtido ninguno, oblig a acçelerar la id a por los polvos por si con ellos recive algun aliento la llaga,
Vmd se sirba de soliçitarlo y pedirle apriete la dificultad lo posible,.
Llegando aqui me dijo el portador no hallaba en que ir y dejose la ida hasta oy savado a las seis, y tanpoco a avido nada
pesariame que en tal herbolario no hallaramos simple para esta composiçion que se pretende mas pues ya el le dijo a vmd tenia por vida de mi sa doña veatriz que lo dilijençie como merecen mis deseos de servirle,
y dado que sea eficaz la mediçina a de quedar el satisfaçer al medicante a disposiçion de vmd
sea lo que fuere que no reparara el principal interesado, en nada,
y menos yo que aunq secundario, las obligaçiones que le tengo me haçen mirar estas cosas como en proprio sujeto
demas de que le veo determinado de si no aprovechan esas mediçinas ir hasta Sevill a por drogas.
gde dios a vmd con la salud que deseo,
al liçençiado alfonso de valdelomar y a pedro diaz veso las manos,
un poco de tabaco llebara el portador
no es como yo quisiera sino como le halle en trayendo de sevilla un poco que esta encomendado tendre cuidado de remitirle,
santa cruz Julio 12 de 625
Capellan de vmd fr thomas philipe de guerra

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